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Thursday, August 28, 2008
starbucks with you today was awesome,a well needed one for us:)
ahhh i finally passed chem!though there's so much more to improve on,at least one pek will stop scolding me and the other pek will be pleased since i've finally done what he's been telling joel and i to do-start passing our tests.haha.
gosh i really hope i get promoted.gotta work hard for next couple of weeks,no more slacking.hope that i can be motivated and disciplined.i can't help it,the words 'last day of school' keep ringing in my head now cause someone keeps reciting it over and over.haha.back to baking brownies for tmr.
in spite of everything,thank you for always watching over me
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, August 25, 2008
there are so many august babies,i think i've celebrated 8 birthdays in the course of one month.celebrated three birthdays over the weekend and i ate so much!to make up for it,went for a run with rahul today,his speed was fast that i managed to still hit the usual timing for 4.5.
celebrated kenrick's(CHIN-A-CHIN!) birthday on sat at shokudo!we arrived in our usual fashion-late except yuan bo!it's been long since all of us last met up.
To commemorate his birthday,KChin wanted all of us to take neoprints!so we squeezed into the teenytiny booth for neoprints!it was pretty fun and i haven't taken neoprint in ages.haha.

Yesteday was the SOT grad'08 at service.BK,YH,Jeanette,Ian and Dan were graduating.ahhh.now there're so many SOT grads in our midst when we include those from the '07 batch too!this year had like 750 people graduating,the numbers are increasing every year.
i'm immensely proud of them cause of the rigour of the 5 month programme they had to go through.the early mornings just to reach the other end of the island by 8,the tests,book reviews every week,serving in various ministries and going for mission trips.congrats!i guess they've gained so much more over this 5 month period and grown so much closer in their walk.
We had BK's birthday celebration in the evening.It was fun preparing the 'opening act' with anxiety cause it was so impromptu and we just pulled out drums from Dan's music room for background music.it was really fun and quite alot of people came.we had a mini chocolate fountain too:)
it was on to the game-photo of fame.it was a blast!everyone got really excited playing this game.it was really fun looking for the pictures for them to pose when preparing for this game,i found funny/distorted facial expressions and top model poses suggested by sandra.hmmm she also suggested we could do all the photos into a collage once the photos are uploaded from dan's DSLR.it'll be fun looking at everyone's funny poses!
we presented BK with his dollar bill card,photo and notes pillow and AX shirt.well hope he liked what we got and prepared for his birthday!
everyone has been a great help to myrn,gab and i in preparing for this party.
now everyone's looking forward to the sept event,camp,christmas then BK's WEDDING:)

to be loved,to love
to be blessed,to blessToday is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, August 18, 2008
i don't like walking down that long dark path home when i can't see a thing late into the night.especially when i'm so tired from the long day and it was pouring like just now.
it's been whirlwind of events over the past couple of days so i was quite glad to finally sit down for a meal with the cg yesterday.though i rushed off for chem after that and they went to flea and easy which looked quite fun and all according to the pictures they took and what i heard from them.
mon took us for lessons ytd,lately it's been either mon or pek,we've been lacking edwin's funny lessons lately.
ahhh!it's been a phenomenal olympics journey for phelps(NIC!!!)
he got all his 8 golds:)
have you seen the US gymnasts shawn johnson and nastia liukin?they're so pretty and graceful and all their flips and landings are just perfect.
but no,it doesn't make me wanna step back into the gym and do those floor and beam exercises though i love doing the trampoline ones we used to do.
andandand Torres scored a goal in liverpool's first game of the season!
what an awesome way to end the weekend:)
we went from being close to being nearly strangers now.it feels odd.As time goes by,i feel like i don't understand you more and more.i thought i did but maybe i didn't know you at all
I always swore to you that I would never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, August 16, 2008
the nightmares came back last night.i thought it would be gone after so long but who knew.it opened up old wounds,kinda hurts badly after everything.
if i could turn back time to rectify everything.
it hurts me to see others getting hurt cause of you causing past hurts.
Words fall out of my mouth
And I can’t seem to trace what I’m saying
I just wanna watch you shine.
Spell it out in a song,
Bet you never catch on to my weakness
I’m singing every word for you.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
gab and i are gonna be smashing party planners!and the SOT students are graduating soon!excitingggggg!
today nickie came up to me and said torres was shedding fur and i was like stunned for a moment there cause we were on different wavelengths.i thought she was talking bout fernando but she was talking bout torres the dog.hahaha.
still getting to catch Phelps in action in school on the plasma is pretty awesome.everyone just sits in the canteen cheering and in awe.haha.nickie's pretty crazy bout him as well!hmmm.Phelps is 5 golds down in his bid for 8 golds in beijing:)
they keep coming up to speak to me about it but i dont think it even helps.it's difficult to please both them and myself so maybe i'll just take it at my own pace.
today's time with you was awhile but it felt like eternity,in a good way.though we just kept making rounds around the block.
we drive tonight,
and you are by my side.
We're talking about our lives,
like we've known each other forever.
the time flies by,
with the sound of your voice.
maybe this is how i feel
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, August 10, 2008
went for A.Sue,U.Chris and Mark's joint birthday celebration.it was awesome catching up with friends you grew up with.met the cousin there,who's back from the SOT mission trip sans JCO donuts though but i guess it ain't easy for the whole group of them who were there for the past couple of days.
chocolate fondue yesterday was the ultimate:)
saw NHNH singing yesterday.ahhh.totally different from the person i saw at tuition.haha.and the backup dancing kiddos were so cute.
mel joined us for makeup cell yesterday and while waiting for dwayne to reach,we were talking bout her first week of uni.gosh.everything just seems so new and it's funny how the lects make fun of e***neering students.
it was amazing to see so many ppl at cg,like what dan said tonight when i told him,it's practically growing before your eyes and you see how He is working in everyone's lives.there was an EC at yesterday's cg:)
Phelps won the gold for the 400M IM!and Lochte won third.gahh.no 1-2 placing.
why do they look so darn nice slicing through the water?
i know i'm stronger facing the same thing now,compared to having to go through it the previous time.i was weak that time but i guess it made me stronger after experiencing it.hope i'll handle it better this time
like you said,the lessons learnt are only from His wisdom and He can take all these and turn them around to something better.
it was so easy that night
should have been strong,yeah,i lied
there's a mountain between us
but there's one thing i'm sure of
I know everything changes
i don't care where it takes us
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, August 08, 2008
when you've made an impact on someone's life without even realizing it and they actually come and tell you that you did,it really touches me a whole lot.what more,three in a day.
reading some stuff lately has been really inspiring and i guess really straightened up and showed me the right way.sometimes the hardest things may just be the right thing to do for now.it's easy to hold on to something that feels so right now in fear of losing it but trust is all we need.in the end,everything will be provided for when we trust.knowing we'll get through all these trials ahead of us cause we're more than conquerors.
well,the things worth fighting for are hard.
as the time goes by,on the whole list of things i really wanna put in the effort for,increasingly i feel that you're not worth everything.in the past,you decided to cave in to pressure,listening to others and caring bout their opinions,rather than take the risk and think about your own.why do you even have to care about what they say?why does it still happen in the present?
i don't wanna trust my gut feeling, somehow i think it's right but i dont wanna go and think about it or trust it cause i think it would cause a new wave to come over my life again to upset the balance in place that i've been quite happy to have for the past week or so.
well,things worth fighting for are always hard.
HAPPY OLYMPICS DAY!as i read in an amusing msg this morning.hahah.
my body's still aching from wednesday!class outing today.we were at macs playing retarded eye-brain-hand coordination games and camwhoring with photobooth before heading down to thai express.seriously,s41 people are innately i-love-camera people!haha.head down to the bowling alley where we booked a game for 3 people with like 10+ people playing,so everyone had a go with a ball or two.today's was one of the smoothest swings i've experienced in a long time.maybe i should tag along with my dad for one of his weekly bowling nights soon to brush up on my swing and game.
left earlier for starbucks sesh that totally made my day:)thank you for the starbucks treat.
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
i was at the cable ski place today and saw this super cute russian six year old boy.he was super adorable.we were talking while walking back with our boards and amidst all his chatter,he was trying to show me his stance on a surfboard.hahah.ultra cute.
the kiddo totally made my wednesday:)
pilates,volleyball and cable ski all in a day left me sunburnt and ultra knackered but still,the fun quota for the day has been maxed out!
i wanna go watch BLG!awesome songs i don't wanna miss out on.gahhh.and my dear nickie got to take a photo with jamie scott!ahhhh.awesome stuff.
ahh.and i haven't even replied the FB invites for GLO for youth and Vseow and Siauster's post nat day blowout.gahhh.time is short.i think they may just be maybes.
I got your runaway smile in my piggybank baby
Gonna cash it right in for a new Mercedes
You were worth the hundred thousand miles
Yeah I'm the first to fall and the last to know
Where'd you go?
Now I'm heels over head
I'm hangin' upside down
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
i feel so stressed with pressure coming from everywhere,all aspects of my life.
the pressure is ON
R says there'll be a blue moon tonight since i'm supposedly rarely stressed,is it?i don't see no blue moon,do you?
today's oreology fix from JCO,'miracle' chocolates nor the ice-cream treat managed to turn my mood 180 degrees around,it just got a teenyweenytiny bit better.
for once,i didn't mind stoning there listening to you crapping away,cause it was just that tinge of familiarity again.
i was kinda disappointed with you or maybe even disappointed in myself.
i dont know which upsets me more,disappointment with you or with myself?
Restless tonight
Cause I wasted the light
Between both these times
I drew a really thin line
It’s nothing I planned
And not that I can
If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something
Even though I know
I don’t want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, August 02, 2008

one of my favourite boys' birthday today!second most important thing/event of august!all the funny little things he does that makes me smile.all the crazy singing and dancing around that just cracks me up and amuses me.all the little squabbles we have just for kicks.all part of everyday life,kinda fun,okay,very fun to have a younger brother though i still want a big bro.hahaha.well,hope he achieves what he has always wanted to achieve:)LOVES.
okay first big thing of august-FOP!went for FOP yesterday with ruth,eloise,cephas,some of r's cg and her sis.this year was not bad,i guess word by mark conner was short but good.i prefered reuben morgan to the parachute band though.why couldnt hillsongs come?:( nevertheless,the bassists and drummers of both bands were really awesome!
ohh i FINALLY had a taste of yoguru,the one HM was gushing to me about.but i still like my frolick too:)
city hall was a sea of red today with people going for the ndp parade rehearsal.it was a chore maneouvring amidst the throng of red people when they're going in a totally opposite direction from you.
bumped into fred today.
a friend reminded me the other day to count my blessings,saying how much i've already been blessed.sometimes we don't appreciate or express how we feel till it's too late.
yup i know i've been really blessed,especially this year.the achievements this year has been nothing short of amazing,achieving things that i never thought i would do or accomplish.
i won't deny that i had to go through tough times,difficult times,setbacks but the experiences i gained out of them couldn't have been any better,especially the many friendships gained and strengthened.i couldn't have asked for a better support system in my friends:)
SATC couldn't have said it any better:
Life doesn't always turn out to be your fantasy. That's why you need friendships that are real to get you through it all.i may have lost one friendship this year due to my stupidity and rashness and now not wanting to face you.
However,i'm thankful for the friends that have been by my side,doing the little things and making a difference in their own sweet little ways.i guess all the small little things add up to make a huge difference.hope that i can be there for your guys too:)
i dread the fact that there's only 24 hours in a day and it really sucks cause sometimes you feel like you're so short of time to spend with all your friends.Due to busy schedules and all,some i havent met in a month or maybe months or even drifting a little due to busy schedules and some,having to change plans or appointments at the last minute which i always feel so horribly bad about.why can't we have more hours in a day or more rest days?like 4 weekends and 3 weekdays?:)
well no matter what,know that i miss and love you friends a hell lot!
If every word I said
Could make you laugh
I'd talk foreveryou'll always be a part of me,i'm a part of you indefinitely
perfect prom queen ;