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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
yesterday,while my other free cone buds were stuck in school for trainings and practices,intended to go for FREE CONE DAY with cyn but by the time we reached there,there was an UBER long queue snaking round and round,extending really far out so we decided to go somewhere else to eat and drink teh bing:)so yall didnt miss out much!
i heard the stereophonics concert was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
why on earth did i go and miss it?
when i heard the story today,it was like super sad yet sweet,i almost teared.like i never thought it would happen in real life and someone around me,it's like all so drama.i can't believe it happened to sucha nice person like *!
i guess listening to the story and * said something to remind me-to treasure what i have,cause when it's gone it's too late.sometimes i regret not treasuring what i had.
it's been a while since i really had time to sit down and think and appreciate time alone,it's been a whirlwind of events one after another for the past few months.
there's been so much stuff i should be thankful for:
god and family
ninis and beaners:)
somehow this year just brought this group of friends into my life,other than J, B and the 2 Rs.always there to hang out and go through stuff together.all the cute and funny stuff and encouragements.thanks for all the support and fun times:)

N109 and N368great leader BK,nonsensical dwayne,sweet myrna,mich dan winson the cousins,standing beside two tall twin towers YH and LW,tall and pretty mel,guitar pro amoz,cute sandra,tennis queen jo,disney stan,future doctors shaun and gab,gucci cap sean,killer stilettos michpeh,lawyers-to-be couple SQ and clement,muaythai pro SG,biker chick YP,cool yen,cute couple don and adeline
thank you the leaders for taking up the responsibility to be accountable for me and everyone for thier care,support and prayers during the difficult times,especially myrna.
you guys are really awesome,like seriously,everyone being a really good inspiration themselves-all the SOT grads and current students-and being so on about stuff.all the fun times last year,pulling late nights just to prepare for the zone meeting's drama and church camp,playing all the gross games like dwayne's throw chicken game.
all the foodie seshs,going for steamboats before driving all the way down for desserts and tauhui supper!

tablemates RUTH and LEMthank you you two!i always look forward to meals to like really catch up and talk alot of nonsense.it's easy to just blabber things in front of both of you and i'm really thankful for friends like both of you:)thanks ruth for being there through everything,all the support given,all the ups and downs,fun crazy times and blabbering nonsense.i'm so proud of you CT pres:)thanks lem for being there,always someone to count on,for all the prayers you've showered upon us especially during the exam period.thank you for knowing when to come and talk to me when i'm feeling down especially that time when i was uber stressed due to the proj and offering the starbucks sesh to destress and all.

ACDsorry i know i had neglected yall during a period of time,only yall would know,and that's when we drifted.i'm thankful that we caught up again,yall came back and showed concern and all during one of my toughest periods,even critising your own kind,which thinking bout it now is pretty funny.so maybe something good came out of that bad incident.thanks for always looking out for me like a lil sis and for always making the effort to keep up and keeping in touch despite the distance and our own separate busy lives.and with M the new addition,she's so awfully sweet!ant,you better treasure her!and D,you to S!
cross teami'm thankful for this wonderful team,constantly there supporting and encouraging each other during the tough trainings and everything.all the notes of encouragements both before and after the race.for all the prayers said and done together in a circle before every race we embark on.this year,we havent been able to fully achieve our goal but it's been a great journey and experience which wouldnt have been the same without anyone of them.

geogy teamthank you this team of people along with the teachers for making this experience sucha wonderful one.though we were always rushing and finishing stuff at the last minute,could see everyone making the effort to complete this project to the best of their abilities despite being bogged down by other commitments.it was another time of crazy stuff like doing retarded filmings at various locations around singapore,getting interviewed and having our unglam faces in the papers,running around plucking and cutting leaves.our dinner as discussed soon?:)
stephythanks for always being there through all these years.all the support,all the bimbo and ditzy moments to make me laugh so hard always.times out with you are always well-spent:)phonetalk with you that day was good,though we havent had much chance to go out and catch up lately since something always crops up on either side,meet up soon:)

thank you for letting me achieve what i thought i couldn't,for blessing me time and again this year with things i thought impossible to achieve.it's been a while since i felt like i really achieved something non-academic based,the last time was back in SC when the handbell choir attained the SYF gold.this year was great,started with attaining a pass thereby overcoming the huge hurdle that's been there for the past few years and for letting me run my best despite my sickness that day and achieving my PB.i realized i've been making many choices this year and it's not those easy ones,it's between two really good choices everytime,it's tough making those choices but no matter what,i'm still glad that i've been presented with good opportunities.thank you for blessing me so much and i can never fathom how i could have achieved all these without your strength.
i've realized that all relationships require time,effort,care,love so i promise to make time to spend more time with my friends and on QT to build better relationships and to really treasure what i have now.
love all of you people:)
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, April 28, 2008
many people made my monday but SOO chased my monday blues away!
the random messages and random long phone calls.
when life just gets so routinal,sometimes there're those few little things that just suddenly make your day:)
damn funny.i remember one day,i was super sian in school and suddenly there's this msg in CAPS that said i wanna date you!super funny.aww.but we cant find time that fits both our schedules!:(
and some other time,ice cream buffet?with a whole array of smileys of various kinds.
HAHAHHAH.gosh all the different funny people in my life:)
went to the airport with cyn and B after school today,i was craving for pasta from the staff canteen so we went there but sadly,it was closed.went off to coffee bean after lunch.BEANERS:)
GPP's driving me nuts!
No one told you
That I am really here
But I have been all along
And I know your sky
Is far from clear
And that it has been far too long
But I don't mind if you don't change
Though it might seem crazy
But I'm happy with you this way
don't you know that
You're a part of my heart
And these emotions that I got from the start
Are still with me
And I'm tripping up over my words to say
No one ever told me life could be this sweet
Breathing easy
I don't want to be somewhere and realise this feeling's gone
I'm lost in these chances
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, April 26, 2008
went down for the openhouse today to support some of them.
wanted to go with cyn and B at first but cyn was sick this morn.take care beaner:)
saw nic at the registration booth,this year's prospectus is not that nice i guess and the presentations kept slipping in the 'cake' theme into their ending line.gosh i really miss IP 1 and mr koh's efficiency,creativity and making the IP so much more vibrant!
hung out in school for quite awhile before leaving.the joy of having sofas,aircons and people.
was supposed to meet deb but it got cancelled in the end so went to buy some stuff to make that thing before meeting D instead.it's been what?three months i guess since my bday was in jan and i saw D the night before my bday for pre-celebration.
bumped into josh and Bi,call me slow or something but i seriously didnt know they were together till today.how lag can i get?also bumped into zisheng,that SA yr 2 crasher,who really made me believe he was a new yr 1 that came late.

manda playing with the aviators

Take time to realize,
That your warmth is
Crashing down on in.
Take time to realize,
That I am on your side
Didn't I, Didn't I tell you.
But I can't spell it out for you,
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I cant spell it out for you
If you just realize what I just realized,
Then we'd be perfect for each other
and will never find another
Just realized what I just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other nowbecause it's addictive and stuck in my head.
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, April 24, 2008
today felt so good walking out of the school gates so early!or as someone calls it first day of freedom.hahah.
ruth was saying on the bus it's been so long since we took the bus together,it's been quite while.
came home with just enough time to shower and change before going out.
THE DAY of geog exhibit at ACM and NATIONALS!!
first thing in the morning when we reached school,we rushed to the geog room to rush out everything.we were rushing to and fro around the school trying to get everything done,so last minute but as miss lim said our interesting yet effective way of doing things.hahah.sent them off in the car before going off the PE dept to prepare.
running the route yesterday just felt different like you're pushing yourself to the max like never before to run your best.
i guess we were all pretty affected by the team results cause we missed team champs by just that bit and we've all worked really hard for this day and it feels like we've let the team and school down.
No matter what,i thank god for this wonderful team that has always been there,constantly supporting and encouraging each other even when it gets really tough.and of course,thank Him cause without Him,we can achieve nothing.
and of course my other wonderful team of geogy people,i felt so bad not being able to go with them to ACM and i really wanted to!and i heard they took the first jumpshot of the geog dept of 2008,i want too!next week?:)
thank you all those people for all the well-wishes especially those really sweet ones and the surprise one from some anonymous person who didnt want to reveal identity but eventually we all found who it was anyway.hahah.
i'm sorry if i didnt reply any cause i might not have received it cause my phone was going all crankywonky again and so far,i've already heard from a few people that i didnt receive the messages like ruth and jayne.I'M REALLYREALLY SORRY MY DEARS!tell me if you sent but i didnt reply which means i didnt receive okay!
It's not a silly little moment
It's not the storm before the calm
This is the deep and dying breath of
This love we've been working on
We're going down
And you can see it too
We're going down
And you know that we're doomed
My dear
We're slow dancing in a burning room
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
why do i even bother that you dont bother or even care?
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, April 20, 2008
just when i thought the throat was getting much better,it came back worse than before.down with a slight fever and the throat infection feels really horrible.i really hope everything clears up by this weekend cause nats are this week and it doesnt help when i pass people in school who countdown to nats.it's like THAT near!
lord please take away this throat infection and the horrible feeling that comes with it.pretty please.
missed quite a few things over this weekend due to the illness.thanks for all the well-wishes from the few.the only good thing that came out of this illness was recouping on all that sleep.
went back to school on fri cause i thought i was feeling better and there was the interview thingy and musicfest that day.went for a few classes then we went off for the interview thingy with some chinese paper at SLA.luckily the interview was conducted in english but as we said,for once our chinese will seem perfect!haha.
on the way back to sch,popped by the macs drive thru to get food since everyone was famished.nice mr najib treat us to macs!bought like a whole lot of food back to school.
okay inside joke.hahah.
After that,settled some stuff in the geog room doing rough sketches on the interactive board.too bad i cant join them for the exhibition on wed cause it's the same day as nats:(
went for musicfest.this year's musicfest just didnt have the same hype as before,no more sneak-ins this year.i guess the first year was still the best:)
i got to see my lovely deb at musicfest!it's been awhile,well this coming week:)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WIL!it was great working with you.all the suppers with PP,F and the rest.it was fun.i miss the holidays.
"Let me tell you something you already know.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
It is a very mean place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.
That's how winning is done.
Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth.
But you gotta be willing to take the heat, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody."
hey my dear girl,dont feel bad bout making me stay up late and all to talk,glad i could be here for you.
it's only after the rain that you can see the rainbow.
it's only after experiencing the stormy weather that you'll appreciate the sunshine.
it's only losing this one time,we've all got our bad days and good days,i'm sure you'll move on to achieve greater stuff.
love you and yknow i'll always be here for you no matter what:) Hey, don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out
Or looked down on
Just try your best, try everything you can
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
When you're away.
It just takes some time, little girl in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything it'll be alright
Hey, you know they're all the same
You know you're doing better on your own
So don't buy in.
Live right now
Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough
For someone else
It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride
Everthing, everything it'll be just fine
Everything, everything it'll be alrightjust cause that musicfest band got me addicted to jimmy eat world's the middle
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, April 17, 2008
maybe you dont understand,maybe you dont know what goes on in my life and what i have to go through,you think only you go through everything.
i'm just sick and tired of quarrels and nonsense.i was just so tired this morning and the throat was hurting like mad,not like you even gave me a break,i was tired so i just sat there listening to you the whole journey.
thanks ant for talking me through and M for talk and giving me all the comfort in the world.yaya both of you give good advice,happy now?hahah i guess since they're older and are at the 'been there done that' stage.
been stuck at home the whole day popping pills,sleeping it off and guzzling tonnes of water.i really hope the throat gets somuch better soon.
totally random but mmm mac and cheese is the ultimate comfort food.
in other news,we didnt get into the finals.we were damn sad,all the hard work put in!however,we scored an interview with some paper tomorrow,nevertheless i'm really proud of them.like mr najib,chin up!
sometimes i wish everything would just go away even though i know that it's all part of His plan for me,to be right where i am now,whatever situations i may be in,whatever illnesses i have to go however horrible i might feel.i'm just depending on the little happy things in my life to make me happy,make me smile and pull through everyday
The cost of misery
Is at an all time high
I keep it hidden
Close to the surface in sight
I'm learning to fall
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, April 14, 2008
thank god i passed:)i was superduperuber estatic when i heard the news!i think i got high for like 5-10 mins.pardon me friends who were there when i was superduper high.hahah.
last fri was ruth's birthday!

hello wife,hope you had a great birthday and you liked the present!thank you for being there for the past two years and all the fun times and memories especially back in italy my dear roommate when we even had matching outfit day!and of course our funny FB details that still cracks me up!
tablemates lunch soon!LOVE YOU!
it's been another long weekend.kicked off the weekend with the planetshakers and tim hughes concert!they always seem like a really long worship sesh that just goes by so fast though we've been there for hours.stepping into the max pavilion again seemed all too familiar,brought a tinge of nostalgia,i haven't stepped in since moving over to CHC last year.seeing all the 7000 seats filled and everyone standing there,jumping around and on fire for Him felt really awesome:)
Planetshakers got the atmosphere going and their drummer and bassist did really good solos.when tim hughes came on,some songs became more foreign until some hillsongs songs came up,esp one way,it was all quiet in the whole hall when suddenly the familiar drum rhythms for one way came on.
Had the parents-principal-teacher thingy in the school on sat.The hall was like super stuffy!
After that,2/3 of the beaners went out for lunch.luckily cyn's mum gave us a lift if not we would have got stuck in the rain.had a good time chatting over lunch.
was supposed to meet myrna and gab in town for lunch before cg but due to the rain and no umbrella,i was stuck in the building till the rain lightened up.
rushed down and didnt make it in time for lunch and myrna alr left to the cg place to prepare so met gab to walk to cg.he thought i didnt have my lunch so he bought a bag of famous amos.so nice.haha.but i couldnt eat it in the end anyway,sore throat!gahh.so just managed only one cookie.hahah.we bumped into YT along the way.gosh.everyone's mugging for their exams now!hearing them so stressed over their finals for their second/third year.good luck friends!
quite a good sharing this week.we had so much food for refreshments,i think they bought like twice the amt that we needed.
Dan offered a lift home.really good to have a nice cousin who stays near you.nevertheless,glad to have him back from aus:)

After service on sun,we were supposed to celebrate YH,dwayne and SG's birthdays and i was like rushing like mad this week buying and doing SG's present and card since i was in charge of the birthday thingy this time.in the end,the night before gab told me that SG wasn't coming due to muaythai grading.never mind there's always next week!
So we just celebrated YH and dwayne's birthdays!their huge cards are so superduper nice!mel's really outdone herself this time,especially dwayne's board.
There're so many april babies!!
heard that sandra got into an accident in canada,hope she's doing alright now.she gotta cancel all her post-exams travel though and come back to singapore.sucks.well i missed her and i hope she's gonna get well reallyreally soon.
When i feel down i look to you
When i feel low your words ring true
Its not by might or in my strength
You're the reason that i sing
At times when i look down and all i see is
Sinking sand
I'm thankful that it's you the solid rock on
Which i stand
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, April 10, 2008
it's so funny,i was just saying i missed bark on tues and on wed,gilbert asked if we wanted to hang out at bark that night to chill.hahah.
i guess it's the first time at bark's with the cousins.it was quite a good time catching up since we havent seen each other for quite a while though quite a few of them couldnt make it so it was just left with the three of us.i havent seen vera in ages with her jet-setting around the globe,alvin and i miss mich.i cant wait for her to come back from aus and there can be another bark's sesh.
gil decided to treat us in the end.hahah.he's super nice!
gil got me addicted to chris brown's with you cause it kept playing in the car the whole way home.dan and gil dropped me off before they continued their late night/midnight outing to what everyone does best on wed nights!
yea i do treasure the rare times spent with the cousins,especially those with mich and vera.i miss those two lovelies awholelot.
And there's hearts all over the world tonight
You're a class of your own
You are one of a kind, and
You mean to me what I mean to you
What I feel when I'm with you
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

HAPPY BELATED 17TH RAE!hope you had a lovely day and you liked the presents!
friday was VITA too.well,it's been a while since i've met up with the rest of the class too.the feeling just felt so familiar but was lost for the past three months.
After VITA,stayed back to discuss the geogy proj,i think i was getting kinda stressed and some people could tell,thanks for asking and always showing concern whenever you see me ard school,funny how i always bump into the same person when i feel stressed.
finished up and went for starbucks with lem,it's been a while since i've spent time having a good chat with him.after that,got a lift home from his 'rents.
went for that thing on sat morn,it was really tiring,i dont know how these people actually manage to do on a weekly basis.
almost had an accident,it was like a total re-enactment of the previous time,though this time was much scarier.i guess my mind was just wandering off somewhere with too much stuff on my mind.thank god i'm fine now.
had steph's birthday party in the night.well,today's the actual day so
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH!it was pretty good seeing people there and catching up with them.we played guitar hero 3 and it's kinda addictive!okay no,VERY addictive!hahah.
it was pretty fun and some of steph's friends played a set for her out in the garden so everyone was sitting around the garden listening to them play and sing for her.it was really cool and one song sang by them was MCR's i dont love you.now it's stuck in my head and i'm addicted to it again!
we decided that we shall have our own by the swings too so lala borrowed the guitar and we were singing to steph a few songs by the swings and she was standing in the middle since LY said she should have a surround sound system.hahah.gosh i miss all these lame stuff from LY.
After that,cabbed home with claire,LY and val,super long journey dropping people off like literally the whole way back.too bad we didnt have enough time to go to frolick,well we can go frolick again soon LY!:)
pictures quite a few off steph's FB album

was rushing out geog stuff last night at my place with lem and Bernice,it was so tiring cause we were all already physically tired and we still had to rack our brains for ideas for the board and reports.we had roti john king and rojak for supper before continuing.B stayed over and we knocked out at two plus,i think while we were talking a while in bed,i was already zoning out and talking with my eyes closed,i think after a while,i was just blabbering.hahah.
well,it's goodbye to the geog room,the second home for us these past two weeks having to rush out the proj,doing funny weird stuff,lunching and talking loads of crap and getting frozen inside on rainy days.well,it's been another great time with the DREAM TEAM,it may just be our last chance working together again but our time together was great and this proj was funner than last year's!hahah.well,if i could choose again,i would choose no other group cause nothing can replace going through everything with these three:)well,everything would not have been possible without the three of you and of course,all three teachers this time.
hope we'll get through,we have _ _ _ _ at stake this time!


been a while since i've been to bark and i miss evenings/nights there and sometimes even enjoying the secludedness of the place.
just because sat got me addicted to MCR
Well when you go
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
I don't love you
Like I did
perfect prom queen ;