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Monday, May 26, 2008
hello my dear,i'm glad we finally fulfilled our sesh today,it has been long overdued.it was really awesome,words can't describe cause i guess well,it's really rare!i wish you were going to BJ with me!i think i'll miss you while i'm away or maybe for the whole of june hols!LOVE YOU!
to my other friend:thanks for coming all the way down to pass me the card.and for telling me all those stuff.when one door closes,another opens.i'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end,even better than you thought it would be.you'll be blessed so much more in other aspects of your life:)trust in it,have faith:)i wish you went to bj too!though you pulled out but have fun on your aus trip!
sometimes you feel like you're part of each other's lives yet not quite part of it.like physically part of their lives but not emotionally part of it.
hmm okay i feel like i'm just randomly blabbering.
sometimes you wish you could build up walls around yourself so that you just won't open up to most people easily and just talk with your guard down to people cause sometimes what you said could actually backfire and be used against you in another way you didnt intend it to.
they said it's easy to build walls and harder to tear them down.i think it's more difficult to build walls.
okay another bout of random ramblings.
I don't know why
I still believe it when you say,
It's another perfect day
another perfect day.
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, May 25, 2008
it's been a week that felt both long and short at different points of the week.
YP's back from canada today!she stopped over in tokyo before coming back and it sounded so fun.seanT that lucky person left for japan last week and will be going off again to europe after he gets back.gosh i wish i could go overseas to japan or europe again too!
went to cell yesterday and walked around with myrna and gab looking for presents,it was quite fun but the weather was terrible!
went for the doctor's appt on wed and something cropped up and it took super long to finish the appt this time.was supposed to lunch with gab and first time i would see him in his white coat but too bad the patient took super long so i left first.
went to meet the beaners at jalan besar to support the match.
went to lunch with the beaners on thurs and it was super duper filling.bumped into dwayne and JY at outside mos.man relief teachers are so free these days!it was the day that B took off her braces too so according to her pics with her braces are worth 10 bucks and i've some pic somewhere with just her teeth with braces,it should be worth alot more eh.
FULL DAY was seriously due like a long time ago and we finally got it on fri.it was quite sucky cause had to stay back to train before going off.where have my usual carefree slack full days gone to?rushed off to catch made of honour with the girls.PATRICK DEMPSEY!went to eat and while away our time at hk cafe.

we will shine
shine like stars above
shining in Your light
guided by Your love
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, May 17, 2008
i'm sorry.i'm sorry for hurting you and ending up like that,i know how horrible it feels cause i've been in that position before and it really feels awfully horrible.never thought i would be the one causing all this when i promised myself i would never since i went through it myself.
i never intended for things to turn out this way.i did try but i couldn't and it wouldn't be fair to you.there was alot of internal turmoil before i made this decision.
thank you for always doing all you can just to make me happy,to accommodate me and sacrificing so much.
maybe it'll take time,for you to get over and for me to forgive myself for all these
so maybe someday,we will be back where we started-friends.
I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal,myself and I
We've got some straightening out to do
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
wow.all my feelings in a song.
at least both SPAs are over for now.that's a relief!
went for ruth's really belated birthday meal with the tablemates.it was a good time with them as always:)

i just realized how much stuff i would be missing by going for the beijing trip-N368's music concert thingy,amanda's 21st birthday,the click five concert,outings.seems like last year when i missed emerge'07 and the anberlin concert and private showcase cause of italy.
and i could have asked for a sponsored trip to aussie instead:(
i've been eating too much chocolates lately!and not working out as much as i should be.
you'll always be a part of me
i'm a part of you indefinitelylove both versions especially the david cook one.i think your heart will just melt listening
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, May 11, 2008

thank you for all the fun and crazy times my dear!hope you had a great one this year!

HAPPY SEVENTEENTH PERLE!hey my dear beaner,hope you had an awesomeeeeeeeee seventeenth!you are oh-so-loved by every single beaner:)
perle's birthday was yesterday so we had an early celebration on fri.every beaner presented her with one balloon each and together,the balloons spelt out her name.she was surprised by the balloons and cyn was scaring her there was more to come with balloons to spell out her entire name but there wasn't.hahah.
friday was like games day too,spent the two period break playing taiko drums and guitar legend while having little chats in btw.i know i have my geeky techy days where i rely on technology for some entertainment.hahah.
on sat,went to the mac for training,i think i spend a longer time travelling to and fro than the actual run itself.rushed home to shower and out for cell again.word this week was short and sweet yet powerful.there was a major feast for refreshments cause so many people brought food that day.major pig-out!some of them were going for sat service so got a lift back from alvin.ahhh.i'm so excited for next year's BK and P's wedding!sounds so exciting listening to BK talk bout how everything's going.
was supposed to support the handbell concert that night but something last minute cropped up and couldnt go down.i really wanted to,get to see everyone,the seniors and the juniors.i'm so proud of them!it's amazing how the hb choir just goes from glory to glory each SYF and expanding from 3 octaves to 5 octaves!
was supposed to meet aries,huimin,zelei in the night after the concert but everything got cancelled.ANOTHER TIME:)
well no matter what,last minute ice cream that night was nice:)
went early for BS with myrna.had service and since this week was mother's day,they had the play and people going up to give speeches to their mums as well.it was super touching,everyone was like tearing.
After service,was supposed to go out with myrna,LW,YH but a few days before that,we remembered it was mother's day so we postponed it.however for me,the matriach was still in indo.
went out for MOMO OUTING with my darling MOMO,B!went to haji before heading down to town.spent a bomb and it's only half of the month gone and i spend so much on food considering how much i eat and how greedy i can become.gahh.but it was good time spent with MOMO:)
went to the airport(JAPAN!INSIDE JOKE!)to pick up the matriach before supper.

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you, I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you
Tonightlove this song!
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
when i heard the news,i wanted to come to talk and console you but i dont know.hmmm.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 05, 2008
the weekend came early last week.
Started on thursday with labour day!went down to waffletown to meet liz and aries.gosh i miss that place!it's been years since i stepped into waffle,had my usual waffle,liz had her usual wings,i love that place:)aries brought along her mac so we went crazy and had photobooth fun,played around with the effects to get both nice and ugly photos.aries knows her best angle on photobooth and liz knows her best and fabourite effect on photobooth.hahah.well,no doubt loads of photos since there's liz there.hahahah.

loads more but too many!had an awesome time with yall.hahaha.LOVES!
After that,met up with po and eloise before making our way down for class dinner at fish&co.it was a great time since class dinners are rare.we had a good time just sitting there having dinner,talking nonsense,funny stuff,thinking if we should cheat the fish&co ppl of a birthday cake and who should be the birthday person.we had a major photo session there like we owned the place,think we caused quite abit of noise.hahah.okay too many photos so i'll upload the whole thing on the class blog soon.i think the class are closet i-love-cameras people cause there's so many photos!and not forgetting those secret sneaky shots of sleeping people.hahaha.

friday was a good day,we ended school early since PW was cancelled.
after school,went with cyn,nic,perle,yx and benjamin to eat.Bought jayne's pretty bouquet before heading back to school to meet B.
Dance concert was good and jayne looked so cute with her two ponytails jumping around the stage.after the concert,we went to look for the beaners' favourite dancer to present her with our stalk of bougainvillea which was difficult to pluck!she had this funny expression on her face.Eventually,when we presented her our lovely bouquet that we got for her,she screamed.
bumped into ZS and joel,the two SA crashers,at the dance concert.ZS still asked me if i didnt recognize him when i bumped into him the week before cause he thought i didnt.i was just abit blur that day la.haha.
awesome concert jayne,lis,beau,joel,sharon!you guys did great:)

went for deb's birthday party on sat.she's so cute,she postponed the party a week later to accomodate people who couldnt make it on the actual intended one.
saw quite alot of J3s there,i kinda miss seeing their faces around school,esp deb's!MET CAROL THERE TOO!it's been sooooo long since i last saw her.seeing her that day really made me miss my dose of carol's bimboness every sunday!
HAPPY NINETEENTH DEB!known you since we were sec sch kids and seeing each other grow up through the years.
it's been great knowing you as a friend and a sister in the maren cg,all the fun times at countdown and conferences will always be remembered:)i'm glad we still meet up and all now though we may not be in the same cg and still able to talk like always:)hope you had a great birthday!love you!

thanks my dear for the letter,that came at a timely moment,and the cake today.it was really sweet of you.loves!
Suppose that I missed you
Suppose that I cared.
And suppose that I've spent all my nights running scared
And suppose that I was never there.
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start
Suppose we were happy,
Suppose it was true.
And suppose there were cold nights,
But we somehow made it through
perfect prom queen ;