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Saturday, May 27, 2006
it's been a long week.
Can't believe that today's already the day we'll be leaving japan.goodbye singapore.
The week has been quite eventful.
Love the sports season,we get so many day offs.haha.
Went for the soccer finals on thursday.Intially,I didn't plan to go but boy,if i didn't go,i would have missed out on sucha thrilling match!score:4-2.we won!Match ended with shouts of why are we so pro.heh.
The match was exhilarating.at half time,we were still behind,the score was 1-0.whoa the second half was the most exciting one.we scored one to draw with MJ but they went into the lead again.It was the last four minutes.most exciting part of the match.we scored THREE GOALS in FOUR MINUTES.woohoo.the soccer team so rocks.i guess this match makes up for some of the other matches missed.
Went to school on friday with an expected full day off.headed back to class for mr chew's farewell.the six of us except jayne got a little emotional.we were singing the songs then i looked over at rach who was right next to me,she was crying and i started tearing too.it was like the five of us there while jayne was giving out tissues.thank you jaynini for the tissues.
After that,headed to town with jayne and bernice before going back to school for band concert.we spent loads of money on food again AS USUAL.i should really curb my expenditure on food eh.lemmoomoo was great=)hope you liked the chocolates.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 22, 2006
gonna be a loooong post.
We so gotta go out soon!
Went out after school with Bernice and Jayne to Parkway for lunch at Yoshi.then went around buying stuff.Bought socks and a belt.Headed down to bugis with bernice after that cause the topshop at PP didn't have the tops.long time since I really went shopping after school,usually we'll be slacking in school,playing daidee,doing stuff.haha.
Woke up darn early in the morning to go to school to go to school to help out for the admission test.the kids are lucky,they got the nice air-con in the hall and the refreshments we prepared while we were stuck outside and it was really hot.haha.we had some funny periods,got so bored and we decided to play a dumb game and started throwing ________into the box.i think the person holding the box trying to catch ______was very sad cause they have to kena whacked by the thing if they miss it and run to and fro.haha.We had to move the 200 over chairs and tables in the hall.hmm.why can't each one fo them move it before they leave so we don't ahev to do so much work.we were like free labourers that day.haha.
Headed down to SC to attend openhouse and to visit everyone.I MISS SC!missed the last handbells performance due to the moving of the tables and chairs which caused me to be oh-so-late.I was like so darn broke after buying everyone's stuff at the bazaar.people kept coming up to me to ask me to buy and I was freaking broke and had to reject them and i felt damn mean.roamed around the school and catched up with loads of people while hanging out at the amphi.
sorry em,i can't go out on wed or thurs.i promise,we'll go out during the hols!
I feel like doing shoutouts.haha.haven't done in a long time.
2CO'05:You guys have been one of the most amazing class I've been in!Won nearly all the inter-class and inter-level competitions.even though we may have been in different groups,when we came together,our class spirit was like WHOA.I'll always rememeber the times we had together and all the sweet things you guys did i.e the farewell,37 roses and the uber-duper huge get well card!It was one eventful and memorable year and we ended it on a high note by winning talentime with MULAN ROACH:)I LOVE YOU GUYS TO BITS AND PIECES!<3I MISS MY BALCONY SEAT!
DRUSILLA:lala!thanks for all the hugs,postcards and encouragements.i miss the recesses together and the funny things we do.Thanks for always lending me a listening ear to rant and the funny,crazy suggestions and things we do and just by being there for me.LOVE YOU.
ELIZABETH:Liz!see now you've left jiang,i can't see you every week:(Thanks for always being there,for the postcards,hugs.I miss the talks we have on a whim after tuition and just plopping down on the floor and talk and the funny study sessions!haha.LOVE YOU.
EMELYN:Em!you funny girl!you never fail to amuse me and bring laughter with your funny comments=)i miss the recesses!my horfun with green chilli partner!i miss that!LOVE Y0U.
OLIVIA:Oli!How can I forget my lovely partner!yes,thank you for all your stickers all over my notebook.ahhaha.thanks for being there,entertaining each other in class and just being there for me,lending me a listening ear when i need to talk and just having so much fun in class.i remember some things that's unmentionable here.haha.oh and venezia and fried mars bar!dance concert!coming soon!can't wait for it!LOVE YOU.
LINYU:girl!haha.miss the times we had going out and having so much fun.thanks for always being there.I'll always rememeber the times at your house where many funny things happened.LOVE YOU.
ARIES:i miss you and the talks during handbells.haha.don't you feel weird without me standing beside you during practices and performances?thank you for being there.i miss the camp times and the LAYS times.always having so much fun.LOVE YOU.
LISABELLE:babe!this is the ninth year!pretty unbelievable eh.Throughout the years,had loads of fun with you!thanks for always being there:)LOVE YOU.
STEPHANIE:sweetie!Thanks for being there throughout the years.We haven't met up in ages!haha.i had so much fun with you-our shopping,movie marathon and occasional baking sessions.LOVE YOU.
sorry to those i did not include,i'm suddenly blanking out of the names and i'm running short of time.there's just too many of you amazing people to list out!I LOVE ALL OF YOU TONS!drop me a tag if you want your name up here:)

I miss the sakae times.i miss the funny times.i miss you guys.loves.

the school that I've grown so familiar and attached to.


sundaywoke up really early again to go for tuition.i don't think i had a good rest over the weekend.munch didn't come for tuition,she pangsehed me even though she told me the day before at SC that she'll attend the class!i miss that girl too!fellow class rep.haha.loves.met amelia,she came for the earlier lesson.tuition was really slack this week.i like.haha.
headed for church and we had a pretty interesting chat with caroline.haha.we're so gonna have an 'interrogating' session in the maren/kadeline bunk during church camp,won't we deb?haha.i can't wait for camp(OHANA!)!spending time and having fun with the cell.last year's most memorable time was at sentosa=)
after that,it was rushing of work time.had to do EQ,SS,Chem and zuo wen.there was so much to do and not forgetting imag which i haven't done.haha.Though i admit,i was distracted by Singapore Idol.haha.the auditions are hilarious.i think they're the funniest part of the show even though the singing may not be the best.
It feels like I've been numb for too long till,I've become so lax with everything so easy-going.even with you.I just hope for a fresh touch from you and anticipate a fresh new encounter with you in this coming camp.Just break free from what has become a routine,a habit and find new meaning.Thank you for being there by my side throughout everything and just keep me going even when I'm just feeling so sick and tired of all the nonsense happening at times.sorry to everyone i met on sunday.i might have seemed pretty aloof and unfriendly but i was just thinking and going through some stuff.
You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know You are near
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, May 19, 2006
Some nice old keanu reeves movie on football is playing on tv now.i think i watched it before and he looks oh-so-much younger and nicer looking there.
We ended school early due to the basketball girls finals.stayed back in class to slack,play daidi,talk funny talks while waiting for people to finish what they had to do.though we didn't go down to support,hope they won!
Headed down to parkway with bernice,jayne,kenny,ni ming,ben,hsien liang,kwan yong and junjie for lunch.
didn't have enough places at BK so we split up into two.heh.our table had a helluva crappy and fun time.crapped a hell load.
met up with lemuel and headed off to CSC.sat there crapping while the guys bowled and we got so bored and decided to fiddle with the name thingy on those scoreboards.we came up with hilarious combinations and everyone was laughing at the results.cheap thrill.heh.played the car racing to pass the time.sheesh.the one there is pretty difficult but the guys are pro at it.wonder how much money they've wasted on it.haha.
All of us left and jayne and I went down to town.we went to ding tai fung!yum.ate xiao long bao while jayne ate her fried rice and xiao long bao.i think i spend like 60-80% of my allowance on food or something.i feel so gluttony.and the GSS is starting!hmm i'm gonna be oh-so-broke!
YAYNESS!gonna be going back to SC tomorrow.haha.i have people telling me to buy their food.i think i'll be a broke person tomorrow too!haha.Somehow,i feel excited but during the start of the week,the excitement level was somehow higher maybe cause it seemed so far away whereas today,it's just tomorrow.haha.do i even make sense here?
been a long itme since pictures were up here.
guess who.AHHAHA.
wake up!heh.
shame what?
haha.WE LOVE THIS!hornaye bonnaye cho!BONNIE!
So tell me why, i'm swimming against the tide
And i'm praying for a lifeline, cos i'm
Losing you
So tell me why, you don't care enough to try
Are you giving up this fight, i can't stand,
Wont stand, losing youJayne!i found which song the verse came from!haha.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
gahh.had some surprise test thingy during bio.i think i screwed it up BADLY.ah whatever.i won't think about it anymore.actually,i think,i haven't been.haha.
Haven't been online for about a week or 2.Ni ming told me something which i found quite amusing.he was saying he's the only one left online at like 11 plus 12 and i'm usually still on around that time and he feels bored cause now,there's no one to talk to.haha.
Got our rooming list for japan today.hmmm within the group i thought it might be cohort wide or something.haha.we're gonna party every night!reminds me of malacca during sec one where 15 of us squeezed into me and linyu's room every night for partying/eating/talking/gossiping/doing crappy spastic stuff.
Discussed about the cultural night thingy and farewell party before rushing off for piano.I'm supposedly some weird talking tree for cultural night now.i hope we can coordinate and get the song done,everyone singing by next fri!we're on a darn tight schedule.
Nobody told me it feels so good,
Nobody said you would be so beautiful,
Nobody warned me about your smile,
You're the light,
You're the light,
When i close my eyes,
Im colourblind.
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
ache.abdominals ache.hamstring aches.quads ache.shagged.
today was a tiring day.had chem test today.crammed before that.rushed out imag since we're nearing the dateline and we haven't got much stuff done.tsk.procrastination.look at the outcome.i admit today was one of the most productive imag session we've ever had.I feel like we're gonna screw it up but whatever just try to make amendments now.haha.
went to run and stretch before attempting the sit-reach to see if i can stretch further this time.
thanks a lot Rachel for running with me!Kudos to Ruth and Poline.thanks three of you for helping the inflexible me to strrettcchh for really long cause somehow i kept stretching but my muscles were still tight and tensed.eventually this pe teacher taught us this move which i guess helped me stretch quite a bit but they were like scared cause they were like stretching me till the extreme and i wasn't yelling pain.haha.it helped but that move needs the help of friends and looks a little obscene i reckon but i haven't seen others doing it so maybe i isn't?haha.
After that,we continued training though coach nor mr chew were there.
Potatoo became our mini coach for the day.or maybe what jayne says,he's turned over a new leaf!-enthu for imag and coached us volleyball and GUESS WHAT?IT WAS VOLUNTARY!(pretty much)
I felt pretty weird during training cause i was a bit off today.
My mum came to fetch me(whoa!rare!) to rush me home to shower and head down for my gramma's belated mother's day dinner.had a yummylicious time.ate and ate and ate.was telling pearllyn that if there's anything wrong with the salmon,i'm so gonna die cause i ate like a whole lot fo it.haha.i feel like a glutton.
Corinne Bailey Rae-Put Your Records On
Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.
Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright
The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same
Oh, don't you hesitate.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely,
Sipping tea in the bar by the road side,
(just relax, just relax)
Don't you let those other boys fool you,
Gotta love that afro hairdo.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Just more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer.
Do what you want to.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
Oh, you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow
i want the corinne bailey rae's cd!anyone feeling rich?haha.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 15, 2006
Had NAPFA today.gah.everything was going fine UNTIL sit and reach.sheesh.seems like i'm getting more and more inflexible.
Went for the vball 3rd/4th placing matches today at CCAB.i guess it was a pity that we lost both matches but great job you guys!keep going!
At first,we were pretty pathetic,there were only the five of us cheering and it was really awkward.luckily the SC and victorians came soon and we started cheering louder and obviously,not that awkwardly.
In between matches,we went for prata at the prata cafe.the pratas there are not bad.After the matches,We decided not to wait for the bus back to VJ since hockey still hadn't started their match and it'll be damn late by the time we get back to VJ.Took a ride out to the busstop with bernice in Jayne's cab.took the bus and MRT back.hmmm.the ride just brings me back to last year and the year before.the daily rides back home.the long journeys.
I guess the news has FINALLY sunken in.you're gonna be leaving.us.in these past few months,we know that you've tried your best and gave us chances again and again.All of us will be affected in some way or another be it small or major.now,all we can do is just treasure the time we have,wish you all the best and hope for the best.
Watching So You Think You Can Dance now.The hip-hop category just ended.i think they were oh-so-flipping good.okay.i'm supposed to be studying for the chem test tomorrow but i don't think i'll be getting anything done till like after the show ends.haha.
Forgive me if I st-stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cuz I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I was feeling nolstalgic last night after listening to all those old songs by westlife,busted and M2M while trying to complete some stuff.I FINALLY loaded them after eons cause of bernice!haha.she loaded loads of songs onto her nano and we were listening to it on the mrt home and i felt like listening to them again after not listening to them for ages.and you prolly know what happened.haha.
oh.we had the parents teacher thingy yesterday.i guess it went quite alright.
Had a funny talk with bernice,jayne,potatoo and donovan while walking out of school and on the bus.After that,headed down to suntec for lunch with bernice and jayne before taking the mrt down to queensway.bought something at queensway that left me with only THREE BUCKS in my wallet.Headed down to town with THREE BUCKS in my wallet.THREE BUCKS!great job.gahh.
Reached town and met up with Ben,supposed to watch Daisy or some korean show or something but we were late by a little while he was late by a lot.haha.contemplated on watching poseidon but decided against it.I'm so gonna catch it SOON.if i Even have the time to spare.rarr.so we were roaming around town aimlessly and bought cheapo ice cream.heh.long time since i last ate those.
THE REDS WON FA CUP.WAHOO!off to tuition.
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, May 12, 2006
just got back.got new earrings and a 1gb SD card.wahoo.pictures galore:)
we ended video today,we were the only elective with a session while the rest were watching the anime.haha.i'm glad I wasn't stuck watching it.well,on to the next elective next week,i'll miss the uber slack sessions i had in video.
i found my ankle swollen for no rhyme or reason.i suddenly noticed my swollen ankle and it wasn't painful nor do i remember doing anything that might have sprained my ankle.gahh.i hope it heals FAST cause there's 5 items next week.not that i'm looking forward to it BUT i've already competed 2.4 and it was pretty good so i don't want to do another time and maybe screw it up.
Went out to lunch at jack's place with bernice and jayne.had a good chatting session.
headed back to school and we did a huge spring cleaning of the classroom.pulling out drawers,finding stuff thrown around the corners and the broom was balding!lemuel even brought in the huge black dustbin along the corridor!haha.according to ben and kenrick,they saw a lizard when they were emptying the dustbin in the morning.look how clean we are.
The class was spick and span after that.we were really proud of ourselves:)we were the obasans of the day.haha.then we realized that our class was gonna be used for sat so we started stacking tables and chairs,luckily there was jay and lemuel around if not we'll be dead flipping those huge tables alone.
After that,headed down for volleyball training.tried not to do anything that might worsen the ankle since i don't know what in the world is wrong with it.had a rather emotional and tiring session.got news that coach and mr chew might be leaving.gosh.two news in a day.i can't imagine us without mr chew.he's like the nicest CT you could ever get.even though,we've pissed him off and disappointed him time and again,he still perserved on and accepted us for who we are and tried to share our burdens.I'm sure all of us appreciated it and glad to have him as our CT.I've never regretted having him as my CT and i thank god for putting him as my CT.
Coach was talking to us about his (maybe)departure,he got quite emotional and i guess all of us coud tell.even though,he may scold us and be sarcastic towards us,beneath it all,there's another side to him and it'll be awful if he leaves and the girls team just vanish after that.I promise to take trainings seriously and do my best and even do weights if i have to!
Was watching AI last night.omg.Chris was voted out,it was sososo unexpected.i expected him to at least get to the finals or be the last man standing.gah.i guess everyone was shocked,even himself.i thought the last three should be chris,katherine and taylor.i hope katherine gets into the finals.
oh.heard a rumour that it was because the band that he plays with or something got a recording contract therefore he was voted out cause it was breach of the contract or something.sheesh.that's not fair i mean he already got this far and he has the talents and all!
Projext Runway's coming back for a new season!yayness!
our spring cleaning!
the huge dustbin,tables,chairs,those 4 lovely ladies:)
quote of the day:
nickelback is quite lau goh-quoted from bernice
no offence to anyone.it was just a slight misunderstanding and misuse of words.haha.
on the way home,i heard this uber old song from busted.too bad they broke up:(
I feel her. Slipping through my fingers,
Now she's gone, I'm sleeping with the light on,
And sharks swim through my veins now, that she's gone,
I'm sleeping with the light on.
i love charlie's sexy voice!haha.
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
went to support the volleyball matches today.the place was freaking hot,we were perspiring like crazy.we lost both matches but they were tough and pretty close.
The referee for the guys' match was darndarndarn biased like every freaking little thing,he had to show the yellow card.this is the first time i've seen a yellow card shown that many times.boy.the guys' team sure can block the spikes darn well and jump so darn high.well.good game people.
ohh.we were observing some stuff.haha.the opposing team were like using that mop thingy for the court like manymany times.i think i forgot to count after a while.haha.
went back to school and headed for 7-11 with bernice,jayne,kenrick and ni ming.had my mochi fix=)
when will we ever reach that standard?will we even be half as good as them?
gosh.i'm thinking of dropping ccas.seriously.i think it's just that running here and there,the routine,i'm just getting tired of it and losing interest in some stuff.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 08, 2006

Got home really early today like 4.30,most likely the earliest i've ever reached home this year.bus trip back was funny with lem being his usual lem and spastic self.haha.
had 2.4 today.It went pretty well,got 7th position.i guess the spraying water thing helps??i think my stamina's fluctuating.weird.just last week,i was sorta struggling at third period and today was totally different from last week's run.up and down.we were being our stupid self and decided to wear hairbands for the run today.haha.greenness!
Lang arts was pretty amusing today with use of words that were intepreted in different ways.Mr Chew was touching on mass media and he was talking about how mass media had a large audience bacause it had mass appeal due to it being STIMULATING.obviously for certain reasons,everyone stoned for a moment and Mr chew realized how
wrong he sounded so he quickly tried to rephrase it and it turned out as EXCITING.it's just as wrong sounding.He stopped upon realizing that he couldn't find an appropriate word without us thinking offtrack.haha.so all of us were laughing our heads off.
quoted from bernini's blog,which is quoted from Mr Chew
"You're already 15 but only 15"
these are the moments Mad came down today to meet Isabella and me.haha.we were like eating magnum in the canteen while catching up.thanks mad for the magnum!shoutout to Mad and Karen:have a good time at the EJ 144 retreat in malacca!


Cause these are the days worth living
These are the years we're given
And these are the moments
These are the times
Let's make the best out of our lives
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, May 05, 2006
morning started off quite crazily.haha.we started going crazy over girl next door and kept singing the chorus.haha.
We had EARLY DISMISSAL so went down to town.today was like some foodie/pigging-out session.we ate so much stuff and blew loads of money on food too!went from food republic to subway,burger king,plaza sing's food court,some place at the basement and back to BK.gosh.all the fats!
three of us got new wallets cause it was dirt cheap.haha.cheap thrills!and i got the green top from topshop.FINALLY a shopping trip.haha.
oh we were like busing around town today cause we were too lazy to walk.from FEP to heeren then from there to Plaza Sing.haha.met quite a bit of people too.met Rae and Joan at Heeren then met Hui Min and Olivia at Plaza Sing.I saw Oli's new hair!it's alright.PARTNER!don't bother too much bout it and i got to see it earlier than openhouse!haha.LOVES.
ooh i love this artic monkeys' album title.
whatever people say I am,that's what I'm not
They said it changes when the sun goes down
Over the river going out of town
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I realized how much my stamina has deproved after going for third period today.i really wonder if i can maintain my A for 2.4.gah.
went to the airport instead of spinelli and had a nice chatting session.sat at the viewing gallery talking and it was one helluva day so a day out with them never failed to cheer me up.haha.we'll be there in a few weeks to catch the plane!
a big thank you to those people who were comforting me after bio=)love you guys<3
Sometimes you just feel like you've given it your all
you just wanna give up and leave it all behind
but you know
you can't
Don't leave me hanging on the edge of what is real
I'm losing sight of all that I'm supposed to feel
In the company of strangers I am less than fine
I am turning into wallpaper before your eyes
Somehow I always end up on the wrong side of this fight
One day I will get it right
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Just talked to aries on the phone,it's been really long since we had time to sit down and chat properly.take care girl!don't get so worked up over those small nitty gritty stuff.and i'll try to come back soon if not,it'll be openhouse=)love you!
Had a fulfilling vball session yesterday.somehow,even though,I was feeling oh-so-shagged,i felt a sense of satisfaction.like after how many months of hard work,yesterday was one of the better sessions we had.i admit that we haven't been the most hardworking or 'serious' people around but we do take it seriously though on the exterior,we may look like we don't,this is just who we are and how we do things.but whatever,it's up for you to decide.i don't feel like doing any reasoning or explanation anymore.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 01, 2006
went down to raffles city's spinelli again.haha.it's sucha nice place.jayne and me were rushing out our physics homework while bernice was lounging there listening to her mp3,reading lime and drinking her chocolate twist!gosh i was really running low on cash today.
hey girl,take care and don't stress so much,yea?
i'm feeling klutzy yet again.i'm sucha a klutz sometimes.
had an amusing convo with oli that day.my lovely ex-partner!don't cut or even think of cutting those retarded hairstyles!haha.if not,i'll be coming back for openhouse to see a weird looking person who half resembles my partner.haha.
perfect prom queen ;