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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
i love peaceful melody
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what i'ma saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
this is our fate, I'm yours
Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
A lá one big family
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
No please, don't hesitate
no more, no more
It cannot wait
The sky is your's!
gosh.mra-z's voice has been lulling me to sleep lately,especially so on the train and bus rides!
o level results came out last week.met up with stephy at the airport for brunch at tcc after seeing the parents off.had a great time catching up since i havent seen her in ages and we were talking about alot of crap and idealistic stuff and the epitome of a perfect _______.haha.got a bus to school to collect the results and i was so scared and nervous!i had this sinking feeling in me and started crying when i went up to take the thing cause the reality of collecting the results and possibility of failing just sunk in but when i got the results,i continued crying out of relief.haha.thank god i passed higher chinese:)
After that,caught one missed call,the show has a really crappy ending!
After that,went for CG.well good way to an eventful day:)almost got a ride home on the cousin's new bike,daniel looked really biker-ish from middle up,all dressed up for the part.haha.

The next day,went out with B to vivo and we just walked and walked since we had time on our hands that day,which is a reallyreallyreally rare thing for us now and it felt so damn good!we ended up at sakae's sushi buffet and i think we maxed out the buffet hours by eating and talking there.haha.waited for jayne to come down and we sat at carl's jr for an hour her eating and three of us catching up and talking bout random stuff,felt like back to the good old days when we would just sit at some joint talking till it was time to head back.

Went to the doc's with hannah yesterday and we headed down to ikea for meatballs and my daim cake and her cheesecake since it was too late for our initial plan.bumped into peipei at ikea:)

on the brink of turning seventeen makes me feel really old.i want to go back to good old younger days!
everyone's been asking how i want to spend my last 24 hours being sixteen and enjoy it.hmmm.the first fifteen over hours were horrible,encountering things again and again within that short period of time that made me feel so horrible and reduced to tears. the last few hours was the best part of the last 24 hours as a 16-er,so the day took a turn for the better.and the uber sweet surprise,literally sweet too and totally unexpected!haha.
you keep coming around and doing the same thing and other insensitive stuff.why does it have to be that everytime you cause all these and bring the mood down,my friends have to be the ones picking me up and lifting my mood up?maybe i should really follow her advice and not go to school on my birthday and enjoy it outside,that would make me feel really happy:)
I can't imagine all the people that you know
and the places that you go
When the lights are turned down low
and I don't understand all the things you've seen
but I'm slipping in between
You and your big dreams
It's always you
In my big dreams
And you tell me that its over
wake up lying in a patch of four leaf clovers
and you're restless
i didnt think so
and you i dont wanna be here in the future
so you say the present's just a pleasant interuption to the past
and you dont wanna look much closer
cause you're afriad to find out all this hope
you had sent into the sky by now had
and it did
because of me
and i had these dreams in them i learned to play guitar
maybe cross the country
become a rock star
and there was hope in me that I could take you there
but damnit you're so young
well i dont think i care
and if i hurt you
then im sorry
please dont think that this was easy
its to jimmy eat world
and those nights in my car
when the first star you see
may not be a star
im not your star
isnt that what you said
what you thought this song meant
and if this is what it takes
just to live with my mistakes
and live with what i did to you
all the hell i put you through
i always catch the clock
its 11:11
now you wanna talk
its not hard to dream
you'll always be my konstantine maybe SoCo's konstantine will be the next lulling me to sleep!
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
GELARE TUESDAYS!gelared with B today.our order was really weird.haha.half sauce and half ice-cream.we finished the waffle in like record time as she had to rush home and me to piano.after piano,met up with debo at hk cafe.it's been agesssss since i've seen her.i really miss her!gosh.i miss the FC girls too.especially carol,i miss her bimboness and all the laughter.they're going mambo tomorrow.have fun!

met up with mich for dinner at sakae on sun.it was a good time catching up with her,hope there'll be another meet up soon before she flies off again,hopefully highflyer vera will be there too:)cross my fingers that i'll be able to go over sometime this year to visit:)

i havent exactly had enough fun during the holidays,havent met up with a few people and some like em and shuen came back and flew back to US before i even met her.gahh.
thanks to all those who asked about my feet,thanks for all the concern:)
hmmm reading people's blogs are making me nostalgic and really missing V12,especially B&J's.
from B's:
'Suddenly it seems that i really appreciate the times we were a class as 06v12, despite all the disagreements and misunderstandings we had of each other. It seems that i want these people, all of them to be my classmates all my way through college.'
'It feels so wierd thinking that going to school each morning marks yet another short morning chat with the girls followed by lessons in T32, bitching about lba, ab*s, and stoning in chinese totally no longer exists.
Instead, what's the motion flow now is the hyper short hi-hello-goodmorning-bye with the girls, then on to lessons everywhere, then cca, then home so late.'
from J's:
'Even though we had different groups in class we were still able to come together and hang out as one big class.'
'The two years seem to have passed very quickly with all our highs and lows. Meeting each other now has turned into a hi-bye affair which often doesn't allow us to exchange more than ten sentences each.'
gosh.i really do miss the lovelies and the class.the two years just passed by in a flash,maybe we were just having too much fun of our own.going on the japan and italy trips,maybe we wont even have trips together again.it's just amazing how the class could come together and hang out everytime despite all our different groups in class and the last class dinner felt like just another usual class dinner where we'll just sit there,eat and talk with all the laughters.it just seemed so normal for us.i'll really miss these times.
i miss not being able to hang out in class just chatting or playing cards or ball games,i miss the back of the class too as hot as it may be!i miss rushing out of school to get to subway to eat fresh and to get B&J's on free cone day!or checking timings and rushing to cathay to catch a last min movie!

BERNICE!my dear momo,i miss all the gushing over FTorres together,the random messages across the classroom ie 'dont die!' when you know i'm having bad cramps!my RM buddy,who has a bernini look named after her:)i miss all your crazy antics my dear!

JAYNE!my human heater and bus partner in japan!no more eye contact across the classroom where miss ong will suddenly spot us.i'll miss going into laughing fits and getting into crazy moments and last minute movies with you!brewerkz or something again soon:)

RACHEL WONG!one of the first few camwhores in class.haha.no more photos with the class as the backdrop!i'll miss the craziness of RWONG and what she does.haha.

LEANNE!one of my tablemates,timekeeper and smiley draw-er.i miss being time-keepers for each other,counting down till the end of lesson and drawing smileys everywhere and anywhere on notes.

KENRICK CHIN-A-CHIN!i'll miss all the crap nonsense from you and even your pessimistic comments sometimes.never mind.at least we're still in the same chem lecture eh!

LEM!tablemate!i miss your lame jokes and the lame you and jackets!thank you for always lending me your jacket!thank you for the all the prayers especially during the exam period.so when's the tablemate meal you've been talking about since ruth was in NZ?haha.

i thank god for these wonderful people he's placed into my life and for the past two years with them.LOVES.hope to meet everyone soon again.i'm just glad ruth is in my class,my italy roommie!or my wife as she likes to call herself.haha.LOVES.
well,dwayne's word at CG and ps tan's message at service last week were almost about the same thing and mostly bout starting the year right and focus.it just made me think and reflect about my 2007 and 2008.thankful for all the things He has blessed me with and being able to finish up my pledge even before the six months is up and for all the people i hold dear in my life.i guess the reminder to start the year right,to place Him first and every other aspect and everything else will easily fall into place:)
cause Your promises never fail and we can always expect the best from You.
everything seems so hectic,hope He'll give me the strength to last through this year or two and to remain grounded.
funny how they say things that bring you happiness also bring you pain.
there's no point waiting for an answer that's not gonna come in the end anyway though how everything just hangs at that point.starting the year right means starting it right and for real this time.no more uncertainties,no more two steps forward and one step back,not gonna be stuck in this limbo anymore,though it's difficult,let everything get back to normal,lord give me the strength.I wish I could drive away to the sunset back to the day that we first met. Only believe the things I wrote. I'll put it in a note, yeah. Cross my t's and dot my i's. Better say hello, cause you cant say goodbye.
All the words you said in vain. And I'll never be the same.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
went MS to meet lala and raina yesterday.walked around quite a bit in search for lala's notebook.raina had to leave earlier so we went to town and walked more in search of the notebook then we sat at bakerzinn deluxe to talk and eat.i finally satisfied my bakerzinn craving:)

i'm still considering if i should transfer school.i really am tempted to.
Head under water
And they tell me to breathe easy for a while
The breathing gets harder, even I know that
You made room for me but it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands
I'm unusually hard to hold on to
Blank stares at blank pages
No easy way to say this
You mean well, but you make this hard on me
I learned the hard way
That they all say things you want to hear
And my heavy heart sinks deep down under you and
Your twisted words,
Your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry
Convinced me to please you
Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am
a few months down the road,it won't mean anything anymore.
well,i hope soi wish everyone was blessed with selective memory so you can erase everything else.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, January 07, 2008
you know it
when you have a bruised toe
your limbs feel like lead
you are really tired with your eyes ready to shut any second
you need a good manymanymany hours of sleep.
i wanna sleep in!
i reallyreally dont want and dread school starting.
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, January 06, 2008
i want my holidays back!the holidays didnt even feel like one at all.sigh.
the days seem really packed,rushing from one place to another and i guess the long train ride home with just now felt really good,like finally a break from all the long days and everything.
orientation has been alright i guess,not much kick compared to the year before.
After the first day of orientation,we went for V12 class dinner at the airport.jayne,lem and i were early so we decided to take a trip down to t3 and we went on a tour of the ulu t3,it felt like some private tour with only us there.haha.and we took retarded photos,which lem has yet to send me!
On the second day,rushed home after orientation and training then headed down to mich and dan's place for their party.Later in the night,we entertained ourselves by playing Wii,it's really fun!i want one set at home!hahah.Mel was telling me bout her cute p2 kids that she's teaching.clement was funny cause when ch was peeling prawns for michP,we said that's what a bf shld do and that he shld do it for sq too then he kept repeating okay i'll learn.haha.

had mass dance at suntec yesterday,met up with the og for dinner before heading down to the fountain for mass dance.it was such bad weather for mass dance,joined various human chains,from the 2 random chains to the cross chain to the SC chain,heard there was some IP chain running ard as well.had supper at carl's jr with j&b:)
service was good today and i finally completed my building fund pledge:)went for YP's farewell lunch today after service.went to the indon place again with the reallyreally nice chendol:)
i hope the darling goes for french pastry classes so she can bake pastries for me to eat:)YAYNESS!
we drive tonight,
and you are by my side.
We're talking about our lives,
like we've known each other forever.
the time flies by,
with the sound of your voice.
its close to paradise,
with the end surely near.
The best is when you say the worst is over
It's like saying we had luck with a three leaf clover
why don't we hit restart,
and pause it at our favorite parts.
we'll skip the goodbyes.
perfect prom queen ;