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Friday, June 30, 2006
School's in.gahh.I'm so gonna die.tests and whatever more coming up.it's so CRAZAYE.
Had load of free periods and played daidee again.seem like we never get sick of the game eh.haha.Now i regret taking nanotech.sheesh.it doesn't seem nice at all and i'm droning out and stoning during lessons.
a gay hilarious episode happened but i'm too tired to type it all out,you can read it on jayne's blog.ahhaha.
Went for vball training today after like i-don't-know-how-long and the sun was darn hot,practically melting under the heat.Got tired of vball after a while and attempted to shoot hoops with rachel.got a few in but obviously not as good as the pro right.haha.
i know i owe you people shoutouts but I'm sorry.it's in the works:)
Oh and I don't know
I don't know what is after
But he's so beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I'm feeling bored and I know I'm supposed to start on LA which is due on TUES!ARGH!LA'S SUCHA AN ASSSSSSSSSSSS.A DEADLY ONEEEEEE.
The Girly Test
My fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
During the summer pretty much the only shoes i wear are flip flops
My favorite toy as a child were barbies
My favorite color is purple
I did Gymnastics
I love skirts
Hollister is my favorite place to shop
Tight jeans are the only jeans i'll wear
I love chocolate
I've never had a real job
My hair is straightened
I have at least 8 friendster pictures
I usually go shopping once a week
I love to hang out with friends
I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
I've gone to a tanning salon
Ive gone to the beach to tan - not to swim
I have at least 10 pairs of shoes
I watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
I change my icon weekly
I wear a shower cap
I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic
My cell phone might as well become a part of me
I wear mascara everyday
I've been or am on a diet
Bathing suits are adorable
I dont know the difference between a sheep and a goat
Big sunglasses are hot
I have gotten my nails done
I own over 10 purses
MTV is one of my favorite channels
All i want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys
I love to have other girls do my hair
I give and receive hugs from all my friends
I hate bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders
Carnivals are so fun
Summer is THE best season
My swimsuit has 2 pieces
Im waiting for my knight in shining armor
Pianists are so hot
You write me a poem and tell me Im beautiful and Im all yours
I am self-conscious
I cry often
My car smells like vanilla
My dishes get washed more then once a week
I dont do sports
I HATE to run
I squeal when i am surprised or angry
I eat dried fruit as a snack
I love romance novels
Drew Barrymore is so cute
I dance a lot
I usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
I only have like 5 billion hair products
I love to get dressed up
Every part of my outfit needs to match
I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
I would love to have a photo shoot of myself
Price on clothes hardly matters
I apply lip gloss 50 times a day
I wish i were a model
I wish i could meet Paris Hilton to slap her
I have been something that was slutty on halloween
I own Uggs
Hip Hop is the best music
I pop my collar
I like to be the center of attention
Guys with Mohawks are crazy
horses are beautiful
I'd rather not pay attention in school
Cats are adorable
I write my own music/song/lyric
I would love to visit Hawaii
Valentine's day! i like
White is better then black
I wouldn't be caught dead in all black
My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes
I hate the grunge look of a beard
I love to read gossip magazines
I love to gossip
I had Lisa Frank folders, posters as a kid
I love Celine dion
My bubble baths are 2 hr long
My wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned
My friends and i are in a strict group. we mostly only hang out with each other
I like kids
Diet drinks are the best
Im all about being vegetarian
I refuse to eat at McDonald's
I check my friendster everyday
I LOVE life
I have a lot of jewlery
Claires has cheap jewlery
My screen names have x's in them
Either one of my friendster profile has/had <3
I would never want to be the opposite sex
It's not what he/she said it's the way he/she said it
I have more than 3 pillows on my bed
I have a stuffed toy sleeping beside me
I love tidy and clean places
Went to town to watch She's The Man with bernini,jaynini and potatoo.Met up at cine and went to LJS to eat.The three of us were sitting at LJS crapping and talking.Bernini stole my last fry!ahahahhah.then we went to buy tickets and the show was at like 520 which was NOW!haha.I actually told jaynini that it was at 540 cause i checked the papers and it said that and she came late.I'm sorry girl!She's the man is so damn funny and sweet!haha.After the movie,I rushed to my gramma's house.jayne blames me that i left so everyone left!ahhaha.we were supposed to discuss LA which we didn't even touch LA and they were supposed to do imag.haha.
They were playing All-American Rejects songs in the movie and CHANNING TATUM'S OH-SO-HOT.haha.amanda bynes is not too bad in this movie.they look pretty cute together in this show.


Channing again.

they look good together,don't they.haha.
SHOUTOUTSJAYNE:JAYNINI!the one who gets highhhhh with me!my lover,partner and girlfriend who LOVES ME MORE THAN I LOVE HER!HER LOVE FOR ME IS LIKE TRILLION GAZILLION THE SIZE OF THE GALAXY!AWW.YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU BACK TOO!all the weird and funny convos/messages we have and acting like lovers for the guys in the mass convos.guailan twosome!well can't blame us since we have the roof:)one of my messaging partners in class and the one who sits across the class who keeps me from sleeping in class when we just catch each other's eyes and start laughing spastically for no rhyme or reason.haha.my spinelli jinelli partner!I heart you!
BERNICE:BERNINI!BOBBYROONIE!the funny convo/messages we have:)especially during lessons when I'll be bored to death or almost falling asleep.the messages keep me awake but sometimes make me look like an idiot laughing to myself.ahhaha.and another one who gets me laughing for no rhyme or reason when we catch each other across the room.the one who loves her pink bobby pin!I love you!
I owe the rest shoutouts.haha.i'll continue the next time:)
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, June 23, 2006
Went out with Liz today.We watched Just My Luck.It's so uber nice with Chris Pine and MCFLY!!MCFLY ROCKS!oh.Lindsay looks so much better as a redhead.girl,please go back to being a redhead!haha.MCFLY was oh-so-hot!DANNY!DOUGIE!their accent was pretty neat too.haha.oh!Samaire Armstrong acted in it!I miss the OC!!!!LOVE YOU LIZ!had a great time with you today.catching up and the movie and all.
took this off jayne's blog-
"suffered from Japan withdrawal symptons.
i missed all the ninis and 1019.
somehow everything reminded me of them.
and i was so used to our everyday lingo that sometimes the people around me dont understand.
no one understood the cheep sign for instance.
and i couldnt laugh at all the stuff that was related to our inside jokes cause everyone would think that im some looney laughing to myself."
oh man.oh so true.I miss the times in japan-1019,times with my NINIS and all the inside jokes that only we would understand and have a good laugh at.I love you guys!
The hols are passing so fast.next week it's back to school.I haven't got much work nor revision done.I'm oh-so-dead.
well.if only we could have some rewind button somewhere where we could just press it anytime to bring us back to those lovely memories.
The time we had was awesome,we bonded during the bus rides,the nights we had and the outings.
We've never had this kinda closeness or bond before:)
and our nightly MASS CONVO.They're just so hilarious and they brighten up my day when I'm down.
I thank god for this bunch of people:)
I've Got You-Mcfly
The world would be a lonely place
Without the one that puts a smile on your face
So hold me till the sun burns out
I won't be lonely when I'm down
Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
I never doubted you at all
The stars collide, will you stand by and watch them fall?
So hold me till the sky is clear
And whisper words of love right into my ear
Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
Yeah when I got you
Oh to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together
Looking in your eyes
Hoping they won't cry
And even if you do
I'll be in bed so close to you
Hold you through the night
And you'll be unaware
But if you need me I'll be there
Yeah I got you
Oh to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour seems much longer
Yeah when I got you to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together


how did dougie even get so high.haha.


chris pine!haha.he's nice in this show!
haha.jaynini,potatoo and me had some nudging thingy going on and guess what?we had 80 nudges in our whole conversation!ahhahah.
andandand jayne calls us the guailan twosome!shhh.oops I owe her a shoutout.okay.another time alrighty:)
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Went to Stephanie's house to study today.I haven't seen that girl or ages like 6 months??it's a looooooong time.We were supposed to study but it was more like a catching up session and doing of weird stuff.haha.her condo's really nice to study,unlike me,i have to go all the way down to orchard or NLB to study.we moved from the games room to the poolside due to the huge amount of children in the games room.there were like children 15 times of us in the room but the noise they made was like million times that.ahhaha.uberr noisy.LOVE YOU GIRL!
jayne and i are guailaning nioming now.hahah.we're the guailan people of the day.haha.we took over from the guailan king since all the guys have gone off to watch the world cup.shucks.italy won czech!i thought it'll be a draw or something.hahah.darn fun!
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide
haha.reminds me of Oli's infatuation with this song last year.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Please tell me you're just feeling tired
cause if it's more than that I feel that I might break
out of touch, out of time.
Please send me anything but signals that are mixed
cause I can't read your rolling eyes
out of touch, are we out of time?
what happened today-
me:eh he picked up the phone real fast like after 1,2 rings.
bernini:superman ma.
AHAHHAHAAHHA.now i know why all of us make such random linkages which makes the time with you guys so uber hilarious and fun!ESP MASS CONVO.AHAHAHHA.
ahhahah.bernini's obsessed with whuhuhu.
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Went to school for the html course again.met up with bernini,jaynini,ben,hsien liang,kenny,ni ming,kwan yong earlier to do a little of LA and the girls played vball while the guys trained in soccer again.the ball was like uber wet by the end of everything cause it rolled on the hockey pitch countless of times and the pitch was so uber squelchy with water.We headed down to parkway again for lunch at KFC.SUPERMAN!haha.I had my VENEZIA FIX after that.DARK CHOCOLATE!yum.haha.and we left the place uber late and reached school predictably late AGAIN.haha.
today's lesson was fun cause we were like doing up our background and all.We were like looking for nice pictures and all.I found quite a few but i think mine's gonna turn out quite kuku.
my phone's so uber screwed.gahh.i wanna change phone sooooon.

I heart the ombre pieced wristlet from coach!it's so pretty!
I don't understand
How we drift so far away
I keep on holding on
But your hands are feeling so numb
Nobody told me that there would be days like these
I'm falling baby can't you see
And you're in no hurry to keep me from coming undone
Take a look at what we've become
Where do we go from here?
I don't wanna disappear
Our hearts are on parade
So you can watch them fade
I don't understand how the worst of times
Get stuck in your mind
I'd like to take away
All the stupid things that we saygahhhhhhhhhh.i'm like friggin pissed now.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, June 19, 2006
Went to school early,met up with bernice,ben,hsien liang,kenny and ni ming.hung out at the concourse doing math and for some,playing chess,while waiting for kwanini to come.Met up with Jayne at Parkway and we had BK before heading back to school predictably late for the html course.haha.I realized I'm late for quite a lot of stuff.
The course was pretty dry cause I won't know what the guy is talking in front.all the html thingymajigs.We were like surfing the net looking at nice pictures and all.
After that,rushed down to town to meet drusilla.I MISS THAT GIRL!!We had sakae.heh.sakae buddy!I ate a huge lot before rushing down to cine to catch Almost Love.(Jaynini,I know you're jealous cause i've watched it and you haven't!ahhaha.)We were deciding between She's The Man and Almost Love.Next on my list-She's The Man.haha.We took neoprints after not taking for i don't know how long and the machine was so darn screwed,some weird machine.We had like what 34 secs to decorate.sheesh.usually it's 100 plus or more.gahh.and the pictures turned out okay but no decorations etc.I'm so not going to go back to that darn machine.
I almost fell at somerset cause I stepped onto the escalator and I realized that lala's postcard was in my bag and i forgot to give it to her and i turned backwards and stepped out.sheesh.I almost fell like there and then.girl,I almost fell and malu-ed myself for you la!ahhaha.
Sheesh.I hate the fact that the html course is in the afternoon!Takes away my afternoons and the afternoons i can go out.we had like so little time tonight.geesh.

I'll hold onto you but
I cant hold on to this day it's all gone
Waiting always untouched open
It came down to save us and end us all
Cause I'm under the outside
And over all
Cause I'm a thousand miles away
And I'm out of oxygen
And I'm falling faster than I'd like to be
And I'm closer to the sky
Than I'll ever be to you again
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Went to church with Rachel today since Ruth couldn't make it.Today's message spoke to me and i went up front at the end of service and this really nice woman prayed for me and all and she gave me a word-to pray for wisdom,even though she was saying tons of other things but that was the word that stood out.i guess i haven't been praying for wisdom to often only when met with really tough decisions so it's like a reminder to trust in Him always.I realized I've been taking too much into my own hands and not leaving everything in his hands.
Now,I'm leaving everything in Your hands because you have your own plan for me.all will turn out fine with You at the helm.Thank you for the worry-free life I've been having because You're always there:)
After that,attended cell and we were chatting bout lots of stuff and Mad and Karen asked some questions that got me thinking and all.
Stoned and had a chat with Rachel at the bus stop since it was still early.I think we sat there for pretty long talking.haha.
pretty short post todayyy.
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Went for class outing to sentosa yesterday.It was was only 9 people-me,jayne,rachel,ben,kenny,hsien liang,ni ming and jay.Met up with Jayne at city hall to look for her havaianas.havaiana buddy!I want that green cap from adidas!i might go back and get it.haha.then we packed subway to harbourfront to meet the guys and mr chew.we sat at the food court just talked and stuff before heading down to sentosa when rachel arrived.played volleyball and soccer.Went for BEN&JERRY'S.PHISH FOOD AND CHOC FUDGE BROWNIE IS THE LOVE!:)
After that,rach went back and we headed down to glasshouse for FISH&CO.yum.had a good dinner.
Jayne,Bernice,Ben,Hsien liang,Ni Ming came over to train for invigorate.The guys trained for soccer and we trained a little for vball.After a while,we got tired and it was darn hot so we went to buy popsicles.haha.melted darn fast.Then we went upstairs and slacked.sat around eating chips and talking till lunch was ready.Then Kenny came and we still slacked around the house till Jayne and bernice had to leave and we headed down to TM.sheesh.jayne could go to town and shop while i can't.bleah.Went to the arcade to play car racing.sheesh.i suck among the pros.Headed down to Macs for another chatting session.haha.
A Day Late-Anberlin
so let me get this straight
say now you loved me all along?
what made you hesitate
to tell me with words what you really feel
i can see it in your eyes you mean all of what you say
i remember so long ago, see i felt that same way
now we both have separate lives and lovers
insignificantly enough we both have significant others
only time will tell
time will turn and tell
we are who we were when
could've been lovers but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who
we are who we were when
who knew what we know now
could've been more but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who
we are who we were when
but thoughts they change and times they rearrange i don't know who you are anymore
loves come and go and this i know i'm not who you recall anymore
but i must confess you're so much more then i remember
can't help but entertain these thoughts
thoughts of us together
we are who we were when
could've been lovers but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who
we are who we were when
who knew what we know now
could've been more but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who
we are who we were when
my day late friend
so let me get this straight
all these years and you were no where to be found
and now you want me for your own
but you're a day late and my love, she's still renowned
we are who we were when
could've been lovers but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who
we are who we were when
who knew what we know now
could've been more but at least you're still my day late friend
we are who
we are who we were when
I'm hooked onto anberlin now.haha.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I'm like uberuber bored today.Realized how much work i haven't completed andandand I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME.like almost everyday there's things on if not they're days reserved for the outings due and owed!
haha.caught up with a few people today since i was uber bored.hahaha.
things dued:
-math homework
-math revision
-LA essay
october nights-yellowcard
Warm October nights
You came and cuddled next to me baby yeah yeah yeah
Our noses brushed so close
I wished it was our souls
Drifting off to sleep
I could hear the little snores you made
watching eyes shut tight
Like doors to something sweeter where you rest
Tear me off a piece of blanket
keep me warm and we can make it
Here's my heart, I'll let you break it
Touched your skin and I can't take it
Light will creep in soon
And I still haven't slept a wink baby yeah yeah yeah
I wish the sun would hide its head
So I could watch you dream some more
Wish the sun would hide its head,
So I could watch you dream some more.
I wanna watch you dream some more
I wanna watch you dream some more
I wanna watch you dream some more
I wanna watch you dream some more girl
I wanna watch you dream some more
I wanna watch you
I wanna watch you dream some more
I wanna watch you dream some more girl
I wanna watch you dream some more
I wanna watch you
Tear me off a piece of blanket
keep me warm and we can make it
Here's my heart, I'll let you break it
Touched your skin
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Went to town today.hahah.sheesh this is the one holiday which i don't go to town like thrice a week or more.
Met up with linyu for lunch at PS.caught up over yoshi and guess who we saw!we saw lim soh cheng.ahahahha.1CO form teacher.pretty awkward la.
After that,headed down to cine to watch the omen with bernini,jaynini,ben(benini),hsien liang(hsienini),kenny(kennini) and ni ming(ninini/ni cube).ahhhahaha like some nini outing.bought the class volleyball as well.THANKS.the guys just had to make it all dirty by using it as a football and playing with it at the youth park.haha.ben's gonna wash it before bringing it this thurs:)
loads of things to be done and i haven't touched math and LA yet.i'm so gonna die!!!!!!and i still have many outings due and owed.gahh.
lala's back!:)
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, June 12, 2006
Wandering the streets, in a world underneath it all
Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair
round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
and cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
Forgive me if I still stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cause I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you
If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood I would
Shout out your name so it echoes in every room
That's what I'd do,
That's what I'd do
To get through to you
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, June 11, 2006
woohoo.went shopping last night.don't you just love it when the malls organize midnight shopping,you can shop till like 1am.haha.
Went to novo,bought a pair of flats and a pair of sandals.oohlala.i so love novo.even more when they're having sales:)haha.bought a top from topshop.i wish i had like loads of moolah so i could get the novo flats and sandals in all the colours,they're so pretty!
ladeedum.photolog.photos from japan trip!and common phrases or handsigns seen.haha.
haha.i felt myself getting lazier and decided to do huge collages.
the legendary room from where the legendary group came from.haha.
our dear mr grass cutter/terrorist
the shirt everyone was talking about.
bernini and me
jaynini and me
haha.i love this photo though i looked sucky that day.
jayne and i.2 out of 3 of the reebok gang.haha.after the mt fuji climb.do we look shagged or what.
all the minnie mouse ears:)
my ninis<3
six of us
my groupies.haha.
oh-so-seh lemmoo in the yukata.hey!have a good time on your mission trip!you make me feel like going for a mission trip too:)
bernini and me at honda.we look so shagged.it's too early in the morning to go crazy.haha.
common phrases heard:is it
is it not
haven't you heard of the rumours
stop lah____stopoh my gosh.i feel so lame.i'm feeling darn bored now.i feel like the guys with all those phrases up there.
and of course the hand sign

the one that popped up everywhere.
I miss the japan trip.late nights.laughter.friends.spastic and lame things.
hahahah i feel so spastic today.
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, June 09, 2006
Back from camp.decided to come back earlier by one day and I managed to catch the opening match:)
okay.camp update.went to scripture union,the place was worse than last year's.i think hope centre had the best facilities just that this time,the location is better-sentosa:) OHANA-no one gets left behind
DAY 1:We had a non air-conditioned bunk due to the hugeness of our cell-maren cell.haha.but i guess we had a fun time within our own cell.we were split up into groups,luckily i had caroline and priscilla in my group-group 6.my group had:caroline,pris,anders,samantha,joanne,calven,lawrence,nicole,ezra.we're called the homosapiens since we're supposed to be linked to day 6 of creation.deb said me and caroline seemed like we were forever talking.haha.
caroline and i were acting retarded on the first night cause we were pretty bored and we started taking anders' notebook and wrote a note in there and we said we wanted to write one for every day but we didn't manage to accomplish that.haha.went down to palawan for worship under the stars,it was reallyreally awesome.our cell is so spastic,we decided to run on the bridge in the night and started taking photos,singing,yelling.haha.Went back up and down again to palawan for the girls to use the toilets,me and deb sat in 7-11 eating our supper.i had nachos and collon.yum.the toilet down in palawan is so much better than the one at the union.anyway,fab leading of worship pris!
DAY 2:Went down the long dark path to the palawan toilet early in the morning to use it.haha.I had collon again(haha) for breakfast before the run and solitude.we went to the southern most point for solitude.it was really nice,we watched the sun rising and the sky was so pretty until the dark clouds came and started pouring while we ran back to the union.
went for the treasure hunt thingy in the afternoon.haha.we had quite a bit of fun though we wasted quite a lot of time and we were like running back and forth the whole beach.they postponed the quest performance till tomorrow.so i'm sorry my homosapiens:) that i couldn't take part in it.
caroline got this song stuck in my head and she 'tattooed' it on her arm with pen and it became all smudgy.
dance by yourself think of me when you do
I'm coming back to the heart of worship
and it's all about you
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Went out with my two ninis yesterday-bernini,jaynini.We went to Bk for jayne to eat and she got the kids meal and she got the spongebob toy!We came to a unanimous decision to give it to the spongebob fanatic and Mr oh-so-nice:David when school reopens:)Went to far east to look for jayne's necklace but we couldn't find it and went to eat oyster mee sua.gahh.made a wrong choice i should have chosen the crispy chicken.
went back to raffles city for SPINELLI:)oohlala.COOKIE SPIN IS THE LOVE!
We had some mass class convo yesterday and today.haha.the first time we have such crappy and hilaious convos.gosh.somehow,it has only been two days but i think i'll miss these crappy convos while i'm away at camp!people fill me in on the convos while i'm away.ahhaah.
and hsien liang,remember the results!
I just wanna go with an expectant heart to have a reencounter with you
Here I am waiting
Abide in me I pray
Here I am longing for You
Hide me in Your love
Bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus
More and more
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, June 05, 2006
argh.i think i'm falling sick.i'm sneezing my head off here in front of the computer.gahh.I'm so not used to the hot weather back here,i miss the cool weather in japan.so now,i'm feeling hot and cold at the same time.
okay.JAPAN TRIP:)It wasn't as interesting as i thought it would be but i guess it was the company that mattered(sp?looks wrong)and i had great company:)
DAY 1:we took the night flight to japan.we swopped seats and i ended up seating the the two ninis-bernice and jayne.The plane ride was horrid with so little leg room but i managed to catch some sleep while the others couldn't.Bernini gave us a little scare.she had a stomach upset and her whole face turned pale just before the plane landed but she got better when we arrived.thank god.
DAY 2:We arrived at Narita airport and we headed to some place by the lake for lunch.the place was awesome.i loved the breeze there though i was freezing my ass off.Then we headed for some boiling valley which really stinked a whole lot due to the sulphur fumes.we endured the smell and started going on a photo-taking frenzy.ahhaha.took a few photos before heading back down.
Went to the litte prince museum and that was where the real photo-taking session really kicked off.ahha we took so many photos there.Somehow,over there,i started feeling real cold and my teeth started chattering.haha.hsien liang was so amused by it.weird.luckily,kenrick loaned me his huge jacket so i felt better.thank you so much:)
We headed to some traditional hotel for the night where we had to wear yukatas and sleep on those japanese mats.our cultural night was really screwed up due to some person in the class.i shan't go on about that anymore.
Amelia,bernice,jayne and me bunked together and we had lots of self-entertainment.heh.amelia wants to make a _______ video of legs!hahah.
DAY 3:the Mt.Fuji climb!jayne was the only person wearing three quarts up the mountain whereas everyone else were like covered up.ni ming was so freezing cold that he wrapped up more than me!thanks to ni cube,i had chocolates on my way up mt fuji.yum.jayne was acting as my human heater on the way up.that girl is seriously warm blooded.We finally reached the seventh station.woohoo.the worst part came next,we had to go down that steep twisting path.me,jayne and bernice were holding onto kenny as we went down.potatoo was like the pillar of support for the whole journey down.if either one of us fell,all of us will be dunzo.I got a scare when i tripped over bernini,I thought i was gonna go tumbling down the mountain or something.
Anyway,we reached down safely and ate ice-cream there.the ice-cream there's reallyreally good.
We took a long bus ride into tokyo where we stayed for the rest of the trip and where the late nights of fun and partying started.hahah.
DAY 4:I was being nice and called the two ninis room in the morning like 5 times or something and they didn't pick up and hung up on me once.They were late and came down and started ranting at me.those TWO NINIS.After that,we headed to the sumo stable.Bernini and me were sitting at the front and the sumos in the ring were pushing and yelling,one almost fell on us as he was being pushed out of the ring.had a sumo meal later on.
Headed down to shibuya to shop for our I&E stuff.We got to ride on the trains in Tokyo,they weren't as bad as i expected.actually it was pretty empty and we were sitting around talking,laughing and we found out some funny stuff.haha.Grace gave us a shock at Shibuya.we found that we lost her when we reached the park so we hurried back to the train station.luckily she found us:)We continued on our I&E shopping.The place is really huge but I didn't get to buy anything due to the lack of time.gahh.
We moved around in a huge 12 group-jaynini,bernini,rachel,ruth,poline,ni ming,hsien liang,ben,kenny,lemuel,kenrick,yuanbo,jay and our residential tour guide-kwan yong.
We sat a couple of rides though they weren't exactly fantastic.too bad there weren't any 360 degrees rollercoaster,it'll be damn thrilling!
Big thunder mountain:bernini and poline were screaming their heads off for this ride.the train just kept curving here and there.
Space mountain:we sat this ride twice.I think this was the best ride other than splash mountain but it didn't really live up to expectations.Everyone just kept screaming during the first ride.during the second ride where they wanted to test junjie's man-ness,me and kenny were just talking the whole ride and listening out for bernice's hum.sorry girl,we just heard your screams not your hum(ji).I guess the ride lost its kick during the second one ride.hahaha.Hsien liang's recount of his reaction on the second space mountain ride was damn hilarious.ahhaha.entertainment.ladeedum.I can't believe he thought it was better to be hum than to be dead just by takign the teacup.buck up crazy fella.
Small world:we had to take this boat ride with jayne the kiddo who wanted to relive her childhood.
Splash mountain:wahoo.funniest ride.When the log boat was sliding down the huge steep slide,the camera captured our retarded faces with the cheep signs up in the air only bernini forgot to put up.the picture's priceless.hahah.the other boat of guys had their pose in the 'humchee' state except ben.haha.those photos are priceless.
Movie at some science institution:We had to wear kuku glasses that were too huge for us.We were screaming like crazy when those rats on screen got let out and some things kept wriggling through our legs and the instantaneous reaction of the 3 of us was to lift up our legs onto the chair in front.haha.We were screaming out heads off while the guys were at the side laughing their heads off.there was this scene where the dog sneezed and water flew onto our faces.EW.
Shopped quite a little and blew money like free on food AGAIN.
DAY 6:We went to HONDA.the motorcycles there are pretty cool and a sports car over there is pretty cheap.i wanna go and live there!We watched the ASIMO robot that could walk,talk,run and dance.haha.
Went to Ghibli after that where all the spastic nonsense(Js yada yada) started.We had ice cream again.darn the ice-cream there's reallyreally good.the toilet's damn nice and i love the spastic small door in the middle of the wall.haha.we tricked the guys to walk through it.heh.We watched some animae show which i totally couldn't understand due to the fact that it was in japanese and actually,i have totally ZILCH interest in animae.hahah.
Went on to shinjuku and we spent quite a lot at the 100yen shop since everything was so dirt cheap and the lame guys bought water guns for the YAM plan that night.haha.
We had a really good dinner that night.STEAMBOAT!Our table finished 4 plates of meat.yum.Chang kai got a MEAT HIGH from two plates of meat and he started getting spastic and even back to the hotel for reflections.
The last night was PARTY NIGHT.the 1019 gang stayed up the whole night and I didn't get to sleep a wink.The night kicked off with the YAM plan,which was totally hilarious,before some people left,some came and we stayed up the whole night playing,talking,laughing,sharing secrets(haha) and some people-sleeping.The whole night was damn fun EXCEPT for that thingy.THANKS LA all of you for sabo-ing us.
DAY 7:went to miraikan and I was suffering the after effects of not sleeping the whole night.Jayne and I conked out on the journey to Miraikan which was really boring.
I conked out again on the bus to the airport after a few rounds of daidee.The debrief took so uber long that deprived me of the time to buy the baeautiful pouch from the shop at the airport cause they were hustling us like sheeps onto the airplane due to the lack of time.gahh.My luggage had to die on me at that time,the handle and strap broke and I felt like a retard carrying it around.it's sucha cheechee luggage.luckily,potatoo helped me carry so i won't look like a retard but he will.hahaha.
The flight back was quite alright.bigger leg room!did our reflections on the way back and obviously catching up on sleep and talking.haha.i think we were pretty quiet on the way back.
touched down in singapore and took some last photos and rushed out to meet my parents.end of the japan trip.
All the people who helped me carry my luggage.thanks a uber lot!
1019 gang:the two ninis-jaynini,bernini,hsien liang,ni ming,kenny,david,ben,cheng kai(new addition:))
haha you guys made my nights more fun and added a lot of laughter and memories to the trip.
230 gang:kenny&david
i'll remember the nights we stayed up and chat till everyone couldn't take it anymore.all the eating and crapping we did.
the people at the back of the bus:jayne,kenny,hsien liang,ni ming,david,johnathan t.
you guys made the long trips fun with all the crap that we talk and do.
jayne:cheecheefied nini!
bernice:the other cheecheefied nini!
rachel:rae rae
amelia:the crappy one who wants to make a **** video!
grace:my trip mate who made that trip bearable:)
ni ming:ni cube
hsien liang:hsienini the one who came up with the YAM plan
ben:benini the one who sat there laughing like the 'man'
kwan yong:kwanini the one in the funny video
david:the oh-so nice one:)spongebob fanatic
cheng kai:spastic one who went on a meat high
perfect prom queen ;