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Sunday, April 30, 2006
I feel so bored today.only went out to church.this morning's phonecall with ruth was really hilarious because i was like half asleep and then i realized how late i was to meet her and rachel to go to church.haha.but eventually,i was on time for service=)
Just watched The Sweetest Thing.aw.it's damn cute and funny.but then again,these are cheap thrills that i get when i watch chick flicks.haha
Oh, that would be the sweetest thing-quoted from the guy.haha.
the show played this song and it's one of my all-time favourites=)
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever
Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
I don't want to miss one smile
I don't want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
I don't want to miss a thing
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, April 29, 2006
long post.
We were really slack.we only had chem and elective.omg.I think my elective will be so screwed,our video's not even half done yet!gahh.Then we spent the rest of the time preparing for openhouse .
Bused down to town.gosh.i really have to get used to the long period of time on the bus to town from school.We met ______&________ on the bus and it was a horrendous encounter for bernini.haha.i guess that was her most angonizing 20 minutes bus ride.Went to marche and ate rosti.haven't ate that in ages.we went walking around but didn't get anything
Headed down for tuition and i didn't succumb to jaynini's repeated tempting me to pon tuition and go for the later one.haha.cause i was damn tired and wanted to get it over and done with and get back home.
Woke up really early to go to school for the vip openhouse.I was an usher!we had to bring people around the school and like interact with them.At first,I was so dreading it but i guess as the day went by,it was pretty fun.Went around for the lessons but i liked the math one most cause it was the only one where we had the most fun at the side talking and laughing our heads off.what with yuan bo's weird sarcasm,kenrick's funniness and jayne's spasticness.that girl even moved backwards and stepped onto the dustpan.haha.i guess we were pretty noisy.
We met the new music teacher by chance cause me and jayne were ushering her and later,we saw her sitting around so we decided to talk to her and somehow,we found out.we thought she was a pretty hip mum.haha.
We were moving chairs from the labs to the ground floor when i felt like there was this pain near my ankle and i like sat down for a while and like tried to find out what's wrong but after a while,the pain was gone.gahh.i don't knwo what's wrong with it.i hope there's nothing wrong.
Went down to parkway for lunch.was supposed to be my group-me,kwan yong and hsien liang-to discuss physics but the rest-ben,jayne,bernice,dee jee,kenrick and ni ming-decided to come along too.haha.we bought like a whole roast chicken each from giant for lunch and i was baking under the hot sun while eating the chicken.
After that,bused down to raffles city with jayne while bernice went to tm to get her converse bag.walked around looking at stuff and eventually,we ended up at spinelli with legs that were killing us.we had a chatting session.the ambience was really nice with the lovely music they played and the place was really comfy.i guess we were pretty noisy again with all the laughing we did.
I felt so klutzy today with all the stupid stuff that I did.
Went for network meeting at TC chapel.gosh.I miss that place.By that time,I was feeling really shagged and I reached just a while before worship started.There was this break in between two songs and alvin shared a word and I was stoning for a bit before i finally got back to reality and just at that moment,I heard alvin saying some stuff that really made me reflect about stuff.I guess I thank god I was like 'shaken up' to listen to that bit.After worship,somehow,I felt more awake and not as sleepy.hmm could it be the wols caffeine taking effect?haha.
well yall have really disappointed us greatly
we're getting so sick and weary of all this nonsense
always us taking the initiative
there's no point in this whole thing being one-sided,we get nowhere
it takes both parties to make the effort to make it work
sometimes we just think back and wonder if this is all worth it at all
our patience is wearing thin
would you all just sit down and think of the old times
we didn't start out this way
we had much happier days
but over the months,changes occurred
when things that we were unhappy about happened,we just let it slide past
but now,we're mentally drained
we don't want to have to keep going on in this cycle
do you all even notice our presence?
we can only pray that this situation will change for the better and not deteriorate any further
when the music fades
all is stripped away
and i simply come
longing just to bring
something that's of worth
that will bless your heart
i bring you more than a song
for a song in itself
is not what you have required
you search much deeper within
through the way things appear
you're looking into my heart
I'm coming back to the heart of worship
and it's all about you
It's all about you, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing i've made it
when it's all about you
it's all about you, Jesus
King of endless worth
no one could express
how much you deserve
though i'm weak and poor
all i have is yours
every single breath
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, April 27, 2006
School was pretty fun today.We revived our ball game phase with our table's oh-so-nice pink balloon with nice SCRIBBLES all over.haha.it's been a pretty long time since we really had a good game eh.haha.and the balloon's non-hazardous!
After that,we went for Ni Ming's birthday ice-cream thingy at swensen's.we had like earthquake and kopped bits from the guys' meals.ahhahah.thank you you people!
After that,the two ninis and i went searching for ni ming's present while the rest left.we were like combing the whole of parkway just to look for a present.Then bernini had to leave so only me and jaynini were left to continue our 'shopping'.haha.we,being really good present planners,sat down and shortlisted the presents and made a list.more shopping tomorrow eh.haha.
We took loads of pictures too.Moomoo,all my pictures with you look spastic!


the secret weapons of a present planner-POST-ITS AND PENCIL/PEN

hard at work.haha.
Ball Game!Spot the PINK BALLOON!

birthday guy=)
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Saving Jane-Girl Next Door
Small town homecoming queen
She's the star in this scene
There's no way to deny she's lovely
Perfect skin perfect hair
Perfumed hearts everywhere
Tell myself that inside she's ugly
Maybe I'm just jealous
I can't help but hate her
Secretly I wonder if my boyfriend wants to date her
She is the prom queen I'm in the marching band
She is a cheerleader I'm sitting in the stands
She gets the top bunk I'm sleeping on the floor
She's Miss America and I'm just the girl next door
Senior class president
She must be heaven sent
She was never the last one standing
A backseat debutant
Everything that you want
Never to harsh or too demanding
Maybe I'll admit it
I'm a little bitter
Everybody loves her but I just wanna hit her
She is the prom queen I'm in the marching band
She is a cheerleader I'm sitting in the stands
She gets the top bunk I'm sleeping on the floor
She's Miss America and I'm just the girl next door
Oh and I'm just the girl next door
I don't know why I'm feeling sorry for myself
I spend all my time wishing that I was someone else
She is the prom queen I'm in the marching band
She is a cheerleader I'm sitting in the stands
I get A little bit she gets a little more
She's Miss America and she's Miss America
I'm just the girl next door
I love this song.
perfect prom queen ;
I went for a walk in the rain again.hmm.i've been taking one too many walks in the rain lately,haven't i?i love the rain.haha.
I think I screwed up my math test today.gahh.I felt emo today.what with the screwing up of math in addition to the rainy day.emo lomo.
As I was walking,it got me thinking AGAIN.haha.don't rainy days make us feel emo and thinking of serious stuff and sad stuff?
Sometimes you feel that you got everything going for you then you realize that you lost a friend due to certain things and you feel really empty.you just wanna find out what went wrong and just make it right but you just can't.the other person is not telling you a single thing.then you suddenly realize the fact that the person is important to you even though you may have thought otherwise.you realize the many chances that you let by and the times you took a person for granted.
haha.i feel like i'm not talking sense here.hahaha.guess what?i realized that i mentioned emo like thrice in one post.see hwo the rain gets to me.
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself back home to you
adam levine's voice is therapeutic.
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I just had a reallyreally good talk with my dad.I guess it's been ages since we had these kinda talk.i guess he sorta talked me through some stuff.
thanks to those people who allowed me to rant stuff to you and listening to me.I love you!<3
I was just watching the re-run of American Idol,it was the episode where Ace Young got kicked out.I remembered him as the guy who sang drops of jupiter and he was real good.i wish he was not voted out.oh.he looked a little like jake gyllenhaal in the finals with his hair pulled back and in a suit.haha.Speaking of jake,isn't this picture of him and his sister,maggie,cute?

You take my brokenness
And call me to yourself
There You stand
Heal me in Your handThe colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"
They're really saying "I love you"
perfect prom queen ;
something shitified happened yesterday and i'm too lazy and can't be bothered to blog it down.gahh.
I'm just pissed off.
anyway,take care olivia.don't be like last year!if you know what i mean.haha.i think only you will get it.
All-American Rejects-It ends tonight
Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can't explain myself at all.
And all that wants
And all that needs
All I don't want to need at all.
The walls start breathing
My minds unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.
When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight
It ends tonight.
A falling star
Least I fall alone.
I can't explain what you can't explain.
Your finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain
The walls start breathing
My minds unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.
When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight
It ends tonight,
It ends tonight.
Now I'm on my own side
It's better than being on your side
It's my fault when your blind
It's better that I see it through your eyes
All these thoughts locked inside
Now you're the first to know
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, April 21, 2006
Last day of helmsman week.it was pretty boring compared to other days but I'll still miss this official unofficial week of slacking LOADS.
I LOVE MY JAPAN GROUP=)this past week,we had quite a bit of fun and bonded quite a bit too.
Didn't do much stuff just wrapped up the whole week and did a presentation
After school,pushed back our ice-cream date and went bowling with the guys on the assumption that we'll go for icecream after that.eventually,only me and jayne went for our fill of icecream at parkway.Had venezia and it reminded me of olivia and our trips to venezia.sigh.gosh.i've been having icecream everyday.fatss.but who cares.haha.then met up with benice and we saw the _________!
cheer up Bernice.it'll pass and you feel oh-so-much-better.love you.
I feel like we're drifting apart
I hate this feeling
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I'm feeling reallyreally tired now.just came back from dinner at michelle's house cause my gramma's staying there for the week.heard of some stuff from mich.haha.haven't seen her for really long.
We went out to places for helmsman changing context.We went to the zoo today and the New Majestic Hotel yesterday!
The hotel's so uber gorgeous!We had SO MUCH FUN over there!Each individual room has an individual design!even the lift has like 30 different lightings for 30 different days!I SO WANNA LIVE THERE!!!
They have really nice and unique chairs and they're really comfy.they have cool barber chairs too and we took pictures in them.haha.
We were walking to various rooms and doing spastic stuff.everyone wanted to lie on the bed,it was oh-so-comfy.We took this funny photo of a few of us lying on the bed.haha.spastic.we want to go there for a class gathering or something.
then we sat in the lobby slacking and talking before proceeding to macs for oue breakfast.I just realized how much kwanini eats for a guy his size.
After that,we started our terrorizing plan all the way back to school.hahah.we had jabbing,donning of weird looking hats and loads of other stuff,not forgetting laughter.ahhaha.
After school,we went to parkway to buy food back to class.shows how sick i am of the food in school.

the gorgeous hotel!
todayWent to the zoo to listen to how they changed,innovate yadayada.The funny part was lunch,i went with jayne's group,a bit out,but their group's so nonsense and pervy.ahhaha.all the bullshit with bad service and they have a personal bag carrier in the group!haha.overall,it was loads of fun and to top it off,i had ben and jerry's.yum.
On the way back to school,cheng kai has a fetish for taking pictures of people sleeping especially a certain someone in my group who's always sleeping.haha.luckily he hasn't taken one of me.haha.we can blackmail people with those pictures!
Back at school,we had to write a letter to the teachers explaining why we left our groups during lunch so we had one helluva mass moving out of the LT/AVA back to the calssrooms to write since many of us left our groups,including me.most fo us were pretty annoyed and we seriously didn't know it was that serious.i guess we're to be blamed and they wanna instill in us the seriousness of drifting from the group before we go to JAPAN!
after writing the letters,we trooped back to LT for our SS paper.I guess i did pretty alright cause i didn't fail,but it could be better.Report coming back soon and I have a veryveryveryvery bad feeling about it.
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Helmsman today was pretty funny.I guess our group sorta warmed up to each other and the day was oh so short.
Today,I was the victim yet again.The two ninis had to gang up and start harassing and terrorizing me in class so I'm very sorry to those people in class who had to put up with all the screamings and shrieks and our funny positions.ahhaha.hmm j,it's VERY unsightly to start your humping in public.tsktsk.
was walking in the rain today.It's been some time.
I like walking in the rain when I'm in the mood.
the stoning corner of the class.stoners.
an uber short post today.
We're in a spell that never ends
The empty hourglass wore me thin
So let the phone do its work
Your voice is heaven
But it hurts
Your words are memories
But they burn
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, April 17, 2006
We're having helmsman week so gonna be released early the whole week!yay!haha.released really early today so we were supposed to go to parkway with lemuel to have his looong overdued birthday lunch but SOMEONE had to go home to rush out his work so in the end,we didn't go.We decided to be guai and go home early.For once,I reached home this early.haha.shows how hectic how life is eh?Missed the soccer match against CJ if not,i might have seen lala's _ _.haha.and whose fault?bernice!cos she had to rush back for her absent-minded brother who forgot his key.I sound like I'm contradicting myself but it's both factors that caused us to reach home early and miss the soccer match.ahhaha.
Ruth and Rachel came for service yesterday.Met ruth at eastpoint before that for lunch and we saw so many people.haha.we had an uber long worship since it was easter.
After that,met up with bernice to discuss bio stuff at coffee bean for a little while.haha.we did lots of weird/funny stuff.
haha.Rachel wants to be mentioned!Rachel the taitai wants to open a bakery,dessert paradise and an organic food paradise next time!
andandand Bernini is getting zebra-y crazy!

All shagged after cheerleading,in our big draco tees.and the one that jayne thought was lost and joel(the chee chee of the day) found back.loves.

haha the polka dotty adidas that jayne is so distracted with during chinese lessons

long overdued-Us with Shan Wee at musicfest!
I can't wait for the OC season 3 to be shown!

I can't wait for them!HOT ADAM AND RACHEL!Adam Brody and Rachel bilson make the cutest couple!

Aren't Brad and Maddox cute with their matching mohawks?
wished i could be there to support and watch click five.gahh.liz and the rest went.gahh.they had like 200 free tickets for the whole school.i miss those times.
I miss
SCI miss meepok with lots and lots of vinegar
I miss horfun with lots of green chilli
I miss my horfun with lots of green chilli eating partner!
I miss the amusing canteen talks
I miss the witty conversations
I miss the whole group of them!
I miss hugs
I miss my partner!
I miss the chats we have in class
I miss the crappy things we do
I miss ALL OF YOU!I love you!I even miss handbells-all the playing and crapping and the long practice hours.I will never forget SYF and Maddcap with you guys even if I had to ring my hands off just to play the third movement.ALL our efforts did not go to waste=)
Do you dong?I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well, you're spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again
Amazing love, carry me
My king would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
It's my joy to honor you
Amazing love, carry me
My king would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
It's my joy to honor you
thank you lord for dying on the cross for me and being such an awesome god:)
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, April 14, 2006
for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY __________________!
Went out with jayne,rachel,poline and the guys.followed the guys so we watched ice age2 since there was absolutely nothing else to do at tm.haha.we were short of a ticket so using the plan from musicfest(or A.K.A jayne's plan)+my ticket stub,we had a successful sneak-in!then we had ding tai fung(yum!)cause ben wanted.haha.Jayne and I got our la mian and xiao long bao!!!haven't been eating that for ages=)haha.walked around then the guys left then rach and poline so both of us bought drinks and lounged around the fountain chatting.hahah.i love all these hilarious chats=)LOVES.
Yesterday was sucha shitty day.i tripped the first time and almost fell the second time.sheesh.i felt weird yesterday.and you two ninis,it wasn't due to THAT.We had cheerleading and the results were a real disappointment.I know everyone really gave their all and did their best.Even though it was pretty last minute,we really did our best.the approvals that we got from everyone after the performance really assured me-from joyce,rong,ben,joel,yao min but somehow,it didn't brace us for the results.the disappointment we felt.
After the whole screwedup day,we went to the airport for swensons,that was the only good thing for the day.On the way there,jaynini and bernini,those two ninis started ganging up on me and acting weird and psychotic.After swensons,all of us sat at the viewing gallery chatting and those two started their act again and i was like the victim the whole outing la.
could i have done more?could i have made that bit of difference?
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, April 09, 2006
what with all the essays and work to rush out,i totally forgot about it.
self-reminder:watch LOST 2 next week:)
Went out with bernice,rachel and jayne.haha.we were pretty broke by the end of the day.After rachel left,we went for Magic Fundoshi.
I LOST ONE SIDE OF MY EARRINGS!!!shuckadoodaday.yes.and i don't even know where I dropped it.We were at Mos burger after Fundoshi and suddenly,I felt that my right side was feeling lighter so I put my hand up and I didn't feel a thing on my right ear.gahh.we even traced back our steps and I still couldn't find it!!!
one of my favourite pretty earring.goodbye earring:(

Is this all a facade?
Sometimes I just wish this is all just a dream
that I would one day wake up and find that this is all a dream
A realistic dream
No doubt,I've had my share of fun but is it all worth it for this?
Always being watched
Impressions being made
Reputation being built up
Part and parcel of it all
Can I just go back to where I was,who I was and how I was?
Back to the carefree self
Back to where I had no need to go through all these
Back to that myriad of colours

Sometimes I get emotional
Sometimes I do some stupid things
Sometimes I say what I should just keep inside
Sometimes I'm sad about everything
Sometimes I'm mad and break some things
Sorry times 10 but you just got in the way
But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be...me
We had something to learn
Now it's time for the wheel to turn
Grains of sand, one by one
Before you know it, all goneI pictured a rainbow
You held it in your hand
I had flashes but
You saw the plan
I wandered out in the world for years
While you just stayed in your room
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon
The whole of the moon
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Well,started out the day on a pretty bad note.OUR SEATING ARRANGEMENTS WERE CHANGED!!!now,i'm stuck on the other side of the classroom and in a really awkward position.
i miss my old seat!the strategic and comfortable location!gahh.i miss the location.haha could do lots of funny stuff.i want my old seat back!!!
I miss the people surrounding my table!AND my tablemates!!
though 3/5 of us were back together in the new group.lem,ruth and me!the new group's still quite alright but i don't like my new seat!it's so inconvenient.I think ima get a stiff neck or something from craning my neck so much.haha.
Anyhoos,this is said to create a more conducive environment for us to study in but somehow,i don't think all of us will be able to do that.Pulling us out of our comfort zone and people that we've gotten used to and putting us with new people,that we might not like,ain't gonna help much.
Was able to watch the last few minutes of the soccer match between VJ and MI due to the niceness and good mood that jiao lian was in today,he allowed us to get off early and told us to go for the match if we wanted.yayness!we won.2-1=)
We saw bernice's _______at the match!haha.We left after the match and _______ also left.haha and being the nice person that I was,I agreed to do a dumb thing with Bernice cause of ____.
okay i'm gonna go to bed.the first time I've slept before 12.uber tiredness.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
the chinese test is FINALLY over.haha.no more tests till after helmsman week.*crosses fingers that chem will not be next week*
Argh.I wasted so much time trawling through FOUR bookshops before finally getting that copy of the book.argh.I can't wait for SATURDAY!*grins*
We had a pretty cool CT session today.haha.Discussed pretty interesting topics with Mr Chew.haha.he's unconventional,quirky,understanding and he's the nicest CT you can ever get in VJ!who else takes the time to understand each and every student,trying to lighten their workload and looks at the good side of his students?
I have more stuff to write but i think i better get started on better than TV.DUE TOMORROW!
catch ya laterr
Drops of Jupiter-Train
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you
Even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had and me
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself
And did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And did you fall for a shooting star
Fall for a shooting star
And are you lonely looking for yourself out there
one of the classic favourites=)
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!LOVE YOU DEAR!haha.today was such a fun day.it was like pouring the whole of today.It's been raining practically everyday.we went out in the rain for a while but didn't get a thrill out of it.haha.then somehow someone,whom i can't remember,started spraying water at everyone with the bottles.haha.so we had this whole water spraying session that became an entire level spraying session.haha.it was pretty fun.I got pretty wet but not as drenched as some people.I was like soaked with the cold water from the cooler like manymany times.
We were saying what a fun way to relieve stress cause most of us were feeling pretty stressed.haha.it's a good method!other than retail therapy that is.
somehow,i feel mentally drained though i'm not really tired physically.hmm..somehow.
Take my hand in the meantime
And let's walk into the sunshine
Everybody got something that they want to sing about, laugh about, cry about
It's true
For me it's you
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, April 03, 2006
I'm feeling so different now.hmm maybe relaxed after all the stress from the past week.somehow.haha.
argh.I'm missing my old hair!yesyes.i miss you hair!I had such a hard time tying my hair up this morning!hair grow faster please!I wanna go back to that guy at Monsoon!!He's the best hairstylist I've been to=)
Had the chinese test today.hmm i won't think bout it.haha but i had enough time!
We bought Rachel's present!it's really pretty!
Isabel brought the VJ yearbook yesterday.haha.It was so uber huge,uber heavy and uber yellow!like a banana=)we were eating mochi and flipping through the book.I saw someonein it!we were like laughing all and spotting people in the photos.haha.
Mich blogged bout US on her blog.I looked weird in the childhood photo.haha.Puffy cheeks!love you cousin!<3
Better than life-Hillsongs
Better than the riches of this world
Better than the sound of my friend's voices
Better than the biggest dreams of my heart
And that's just the start
Better than getting what I say I need
Better than living the life that I want to
Better than the love anyone could give
Your love is
You hold me now in your arms
And never let me go
You oh Lord make the sun shine
And the moon light in the night sky
You give me breath and all your love
I give my heart to you because
I can't stop falling in love with you
I'll never stop falling in love with you
I can't stop falling in love with you
I'll never stop falling in love with you
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, April 01, 2006
and i'm reminded of yesterday in school.haha.it was pretty funny throughout the whole day.we had weird announcements and antics at assembly.Heading back to class,we switched classrooms!We had chem in 06V14,math in 05V13 and Social Studies at the area outside the PT.haha.we were like the only class that had our lesson outside of the classrooms.We were sitting there,not really concentrating due to the heat and the mood that everyone was in and thanks to pinky and toes,who decided to be childish for the day,covered me with marker marks.especially this huge pink smiley face on my hand.
Attended Musicfest'06,Radical Rhythms.haha.we managed to sneak Ben,Hsien Liang and Ni Ming in.haha.somehow.shh.It was really awesome.The Camels rocked the house down with Bon Jovi's Have a Nice Day!too bad they didn't win!argh.oh Imran and Priya were funny emcees.ohohoh!we took a photo with Shan Wee!he's so uber tall,I mean he's taller than alvin and alvin's already pretty tall and Shan Wee's taller than him.the picture's with Rae since I did such a great job by forgetting to bring down my camera.
Went for a haircut today.hmm it's been ages since i got a haircut.changed hairstylist since the one that i usually go to wasn't there.My hair's at shoulder length now.
oh man i'm having homework overload!!
I love this song!
Ninety miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving I don’t know why
So many questions, I need an answer
Two years later you're still on my mind
Whatever happened to Amelia Earheart?
Who holds the stars up in the sky?
Is true love just once in a lifetime?
Did the captain of the Titanic cry?
Oh, Someday we'll know
If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know
Why I wasn't meant for you...
Does anybody know the way to Atlantis?
Or what the wind says when she cries?
I'm speeding by the place that I met you
For the ninety-seventh time...Tonight
Someday we'll know
If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know
Why I wasn't meant for you...
Someday we'll know
Why Samson loved Dalilah?
One day I'll go
Dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know
That I was the one for you....
Open up the world
I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
Watched the stars crash in the sea
If I can ask God just one question
Why aren't you here with me tonight?
Oh, Someday we'll know
If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know
Why I wasn't meant for you...
Someday we'll know
Why Samson loved Dalilah
One day I'll go
Dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know
That I was the one for you....
perfect prom queen ;