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Sunday, July 30, 2006
ARGH.SLEEP DEBT!all the late nights are finally coming back to get me.SLEEP.I NEED.
uber tired this morning and i still went for the earliest class of the day.was late for tuition as usual.haha.but today was early compared to the rest.i dont know how the people of that class religiously wake up for the earliest class every week.
then went for breakfast with amelia at BK.yum.HASH BROWNS!CHILLI SQUIGGLES.ahahhaha.
Came back and went for my bro's birthday thingy.had a good time catching up with mich and vera.we havent seen each other in ages.
my lovely cousins.LOVES.
yesterdayWent to school for college day after chionging bio the whole of the morning and night before.college day was super slack.ohoh.we had to go out to line the road and welcome the GOH with smiles and cheers.we were baking under the hot sun talking and waiting for his arrival.talk about multi-tasking.ahhaha.
After that,headed down to BK to eat with bernice,ben,hsien liang,kenny and kenrick.crapped a whole lot before kenrick and bernice left and we sat around trying to revise for math.ARGH.math sucks.i
TOTALLY dont get
fridayWOOHOO.HALF DAY.i miss half days!the half day galore we got during term two.i so miss them!had half day due to college day preparations and to make up for having to come back to school the next day.
Went to town with jayne,ben,nioming,kenny and kenrick.Sat around at vila'ge talking and stuffing ourselves with food.GLUTTONS.haha.oh man.vila'ge is soooooo similar to marche.the interior.food.everything.if i didnt know they changed management,i would have thought it was marche.
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And my scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRUSILLA!I LOVE YOU!sorry couldnt make it today.I MISS YOU LOADS.i miss the times we sat at the balcony,amphi and the table outside our classrooms talking endlessly and rushing like mad back to class after the funny recesses.
I miss your gayness.
I miss all the sweet postcards.
I miss the nights we stayed up till real late talking on the phone in bed.
Thank you for all the wonderful times and for always being there even if it's way late in the night and knowing i can always turn to you.
okay.sorry for pangsehing you the other time,i'll make it up and try to make it for that thingy too!!!
LOVESToday was pretty boring in school and like during the middle of the day i just felt weird,down,i dont know.no way to describe.sheesh.some emoness.insane la.gahh.i feel like some lost sheep in class like mostly,i cant understand what the teacher's talking about,like in math(!).sheesh.
ohh.to prove that jayne's a sicko,here's an example,
yesterday at training,we were serving the ball and she couldnt get it over then she said the ball was kwan yong's round butt and she managed to hit it over!some mom she is.your son's butt!tsktsk.incest eh.ahahhaha.
Training's pretty okay now i guess.another one tomorrow.
okay my post seems really messed up like bits here and there.haha.well i'm supposed to study for physics which is like tomorrow and kinematics suck!and i heard that the test is tough.BADDDDDDDD NEWS.
P.S bernice is a kelvin-loving thermometer!hahaha.
i try to say goodbye & i choke;
try to walk away & i stumble
though i try to hide it,
it's clear,
my world crumbles when you are not near
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Just got back from church.
Woke up in the morning with a sore throat and feeling really lazy.then walked to church since i was too lazy to walk down to take the shuttle.well it's been a while since i walked to church anyway.
Had cell after service at hall 9,was supposed to coffee bean but it decided against it.so izzy and i had our ramly burger fix.
Can't wait for Planetshakers Ultraviolet concert!WOOHOO!It's gonna be ohsoawesome!
i dont know what i'm still doing here when i'm supposed to start on my mountains of homework and study!
Look what surrounds you now
More than you ever dreamed
Have you forgotten just how hard it used to be
So whats it going to take
For you to realize
It all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, July 22, 2006
talking to some handbellers now-aries AND PW-you guys are gayness.BABBEH!haha.seems like i missed out on awfully good and heavenly chocolate cakes from chiam.gahh.and dong's gone which means goodbye to ugly flowery stuff.luckily it didnt become official if not our rep would go down the drain.haha.I might go back for farewell!
aries. says:
aries. says:
i miss charmaine so much now!
aries. says:
peedoubleyou' `slam the guitar. says:
you should see often we start sitting down and think of old times
peedoubleyou' `slam the guitar. says:
really feel like granmother
hello grandmama.dont need to feel like one cause you're one!haha.miss you too!
Invigorate yesterday and we got first for vball.According to statistics and hsien liang's math calculations,V12 has already and officially won Invigorate!YAYNESS!We went in not expecting much,just to do our best but we came out of it champs:)
"we may not be the best class academically and in discipline-wise, but we sure can do many other things like sports, table soccer, pool and daidi.
& we're proud of it."
Yes bernini,i so agree with you!I HEART YOU GUYS!
and girl,dont worry too much.it just aint worth it to shed so much tears over this.we all know that remark totally has no basis.we'll always be here if you ever need to rant.
No matter what they say
cause words can't bring you down
somehow when things happen,the outcome can only be two things.either the relationship takes a turn for the worse or we'll pull through this together.we always do go through all the nonsense together,as always,we'll pull through and everything will turn out fine and we'll come out tighter than before.
I think I'll get outta here, where I can
Run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better, you keep making me ill
You keep making me ill
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Had chem test on MOLE concept today.gahh.i was pretty confused at some parts and tikamed a few.haha.never mind it's OVER!bio up next.sheesh.like a never-ending cycle.
Had lunch with my/our RUTH at the back of the class and we like chat quite a bit.haha.if you dont get this part,never mind.you dont have to.ahhahahah.

Lilly-Ella Gerrard's so uber cute!stevie G's sucha nice dad:)haha.
Ruth got the song if you're not the one stuck in my head!the six of us had some singing session before chinese today.ahhaha.
If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I'll never know whatthe future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
This song's sweet.
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, July 14, 2006
Just got back from SC dance concert.it was pretty alright but this year there were so many long chinese dances.ohman the pri sch dancers are so cute and they are oh so flexible,they were doing flips and cartwheels like clockwork.
Today was pretty slack in school.i love fridays!:)I kinda regret taking up nanotech,all the equations are killing me!went to parkway and had venezia fix:) and for ni ming and hsien liang to get new shoes before heading back to school to slack.Headed down to parkway again with kenrick,ni cube and jaynini for dinner and we were sitting there crapping and laughing a whole lot.thanks you people for accompanying me for dinner:)loves.rushed and cabbed down to Kallang theatre to meet Oli and Huimin.Saw Liz too.I MISS AND LOVE ALL OF YOU!:)
haha.people screwing themselves up.
i wanna watch Pirates of C.hurry lala hurry!
But with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
okay.even though i'm not a big fan of jessica but with you is nice.haha.it was stuck in my head while walking to school this morning.weird.
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, July 13, 2006
More than some pretty face beside a train
maybe somewhere deep down
i still care that little bit
but i'm tired of it all
and i dont wanna care anymore
LA test was today and it wasn't as tough as the previous one but i still didn't quite know some.well.LA's unpredictable.
BOOLALA.anyways gonna be meeting Olivia the beeeeeeg O and Huimin the wacko tomorrow.what's lacking is the pizza and jo and a weird and lost sense of direction and it'll be a repeat of that night again.ahhaha.i miss them.LOVES.
SI just ended and Joakim,Jonathan Leong and Nurul are still in!Jonathan's showing his rocker roots.and paul wasnt bad at five for fighting's-superman.
I dont wanna play mind games
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Yesterday was like some rollercoaster emotions day.somehow in the morning,i felt down somehow-there was just this feeling inside that i cant describe.haha.maybe as jayne says it was the saturday blues.Then headed down for tuition and met Amelia and Donovan there.was talking to amelia after lesson and i got high.haha.maybe it was her infectious bubblyness.ahahah.then it was back down again in the night.
it was like crazy.like some whole ball of sadness and blues coming out of nowhere and hitting me right smack in the face and i'm down for no rhyme or reason.gahh.
It may seem I have everything
But everything means nothing
When the ride that you've been on
That you're coming off
Leaves you feeling lost
okay moving on to happier news.haha.we got first for bball and got into finals for vball.looking at the rate we're going-2nd for both captain's ball and soccer and the above-we're on our way to getting the hot-in-demand trophy with our V12 right at the bottom:)we were cheering like crazy and we're were so highhh.doing the can-can and cheering for V12 but it was fun:)
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge me by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Went to do imag surveys out on the streets today.it was pretty alright i guess at least we didnt encounter any really horrid people.Met Clement at the MRT station, haven't seen him in a while.haha.reminds me of the other time me and mich met him in his NS uniform and we went a-photo-crazy and he was uber nice to wait and smile for all the pictures.haha.
went to MS to watch superman returns with SUPERMAN & CO.ahhaha.and there was this kid who kept yakkering on and on during the movie,some commentator eh.sorry but you're not needed here.
After the show,the guys were on high tide.haha.they started rushing for the toilets and we couldn't find it.they were doing weird walks to the toilet-legs open wide and walking awkwardly.haha.all of us had some weird sudden impromptu race to find the toilet.
sat at BK eating and talking before heading home and no,i didn't manage to squeeze in a short shopping trip at all.gahh.Rushed out LA in the night and you have nonono idea how glad i am that it's over and done with.
why don't we hit restart,
and pause it at our favorite parts.
we'll skip the goodbyes.
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Went to school for Invigorate yesterday.we only played soccer and captain's ball.We got second for both.for the round robbins,hsien liang ROCKED.HSIENALDO!haha.he was the ONLY goal scorer-man of the match:)haha.kenny played well too.he scored one of the penalties.KENRY!haha.our wonderful goalkepper-ninini was good too.he looked damn seh on the field with his gloves.haha.JIALAT!haha.(happy now?haha.)the 14 goalkeeper was darn good but still i think the guys deserve to win for soccer.
the girls were good too,the score was really close we lost by one point.it's okay:)you guys did an awesome job and there's still the other sports to go:)
then we went down to parkway for KFC.slacked there while the guys went abck to school to collect the bowling ball.we crapped ALOT.after that,bernice,ni ming,poline and kenrick left so jayne and i were stuck with nothing left to do so we headed down to CSC to join the guys.played a few games and played around with the names again.haha.
this entry's really short and just somehow weird.haha.sorry.i'm just too tired.stayed up to watch the england-portugal match.sheesh.england lost!!!gahh.but ricardo was good.
Let's run away
Name a place
Where the air tastes like rain
And the sun shines like Sunday morning
perfect prom queen ;