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Sunday, October 28, 2007
talks and coffee late into the night is nice and comforting but the walk home is not.i'm lazy i know.haha.
what would make it better now is some chocolate.it sucks to step into starbucks and refrain from ordering a drink with chocolate cause of this sore throat and cough.i'm so in need of a dose of chocolate.and i feel like eating a crepe.
the click 5 had a showcase at MOS and we missed it.gahh.
To a headlight disco
The radios
Are all in tune
A thousand cars
A disco ball when
The headlight moves
We're gonna dance
till we see the sun
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, October 26, 2007
it's been a busy few days.
went to seanT's place for CG yesterday.myrna,YP and i reached and joined in the game of jungle speed or jungle something.everyone slowly streamed in and got hooked onto the game till CG started.haha.everyone got excited and YP and seanT even snatched the totem till it fell apart.haha.
went for tablemates lunch today at pasta fresca:)had al funghi beef ravioli,the other two had hawaiian pizza.mine got too heavy after a while cause of the cream and beef and we swopped,tried the hawaiian it's nice.haha we're like always sharing our food everytime we have lunch.we had tiramisu for dessert but it wasnt good:( i was expecting good dessert for a good much needed sugar high.

rushed home then out again to meet liz for dinner before tuition.today's the last week of tuition.goodbye to friday nights

i'll miss you friday night lover.love you.
i remember i was talking to someone a while back and i was saying how instant messaging has gotta be the most insincere way of communication.somehow.haha.how i prefer messages,phone,mails and postcards cause somehow they mean more and seem more sincere?of course unless the person's overseas so you almost cant do the rest other than e-mails but skype's always the better option right.haha.
okay.totally random.haha.
seems like everytime when i'm feeling really bad,something just happens to remind me that He is always there,taking charge of everything and blessing abundantly.everything will somehow turn out fine in the end except maybe that one thing now which may just be my just desserts for not trusting my gut instincts to not trust someone,and instead play with fire.
Such a painful thing to waste
Tell me now where do we go?
Now the future's not so clear
I can't believe we've ended here
Where's the world that doesn't care?
Maybe I could meet you there
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

hello partner!hope you had a good day though it's like in the middle of papers.go out soon after exams!though you stay at like practically the other end of the island,so difficult to meet up!but we will!haha.i miss trawling serene,coro,waffletown and town with you.VENEZIA&FRIED MARS BARS!i miss the nonsense and funny conversations with you,actually i wonder how DOng tolerated all the talking and nonsense we do in class and left us at our seating positions for a year.haha.love you darl!
throat's horrid,feeling really horrible top to toe.sitting through the chinese mock paper was horrid with the aircon blowing at full blast,being sick and having to work the brain juices,even with a jacket doesnt make me feel much better.
these few days has been horrible with this sudden sore throat which makes me feel so drained out everyday from dealing with it,sucks the life out of me.
went for RM lunch on mon with the group and mr tan after tons of postponing.he was really nice by driving us all the way to ECP for HK cafe and treating us to lunch.
the other day,we were just talking and somehow we talked about relationships.realized how many long relationships there are around me,c&w,l&b,i&e.been together since sec sch days and lasting 4 or 5 years and even LDR that's like whoa.seriously,they're so cute when you see them together.well it may not always be a bed of roses and no one knows whatever they've gone through,only they themselves would know but i guess they've overcomed alot together to have come this far.
hmmm.tablemates meal this week:)
i should stop finding excuses for you to convince myself cause it's no use anyway and it shouldnt matter and it shouldnt hurt.A strangled smile fell from your face
It kills me that I hurt you this way
The worst part is that I didn't even know
Now there's a million reasons for you to go
But if you can find a reason to stay
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together
Whatever it takes
She said if we're gonna make this work
You gotta let me inside even though it hurts
Don't hide the broken parts that I need to see
She said like it or not it's the way it's gotta be
You gotta love yourself if you can ever love me
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
And give me a break
I'll keep us together
Whatever it takes
I know you deserve much better
Remember the time I told you the way that I felt
And that I'd be lost without you and never find myself
Let's hold onto each other above everything else
Start over, start over
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together
Whatever it takesLIFEHOUSE:)
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, October 22, 2007
the throat feels so bad now like some sandpaper roughing it out in my throat.gahhhh.
i'm so irritated with you and everything and most of all,myself for letting you get to me like this!one moment this,another moment that.i dont know the meaning of it all.
it seems so long ago but i feel like i've seen the better side of you,it was the better side of you but was it ever the true side of you?
why cant i care less
Confetti rainfall in a quiet streets
The beauty is in what you make it,
So get up on your feet
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, October 21, 2007

haha.love you!
One Two Three Four
Tell me that you love me more
Sleepless long nights
That is what my youth was for
Oh, You know who you are
sweetheart, bitterheart,
now i can't tell you apart.
cozy and cold,
put the horse before the cart
Those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyesohman.irritatingly cute song.hahha.
have been eating quite abit these days.the post-exam eating and hanging out!haha.
went to fabbrica at dempsey with the mum and her colleagues for dinner last sunday.the food there was pretty good.

the carpellini and foie gras there were good though my risotto was alright i guess.i like the atmosphere there!
the best part of the night came,

lavacake with vanilla gelato!it was ohsoverygood!
went out with the cell for steamboat bbq during hari raya,it was good and all of us ate till we were gonna burst!haha.we still went over to the hong kong dessert place for awesome dessert.sesame paste:)after that,got a lift home from LW luckily there's someone who stays in the east,if not it'll be another later night.
went for jayne's early birthday lunch at sushi tei with the girls on tuesday.SUKIYAKI:)salmon nigiri!
gosh.all that money this month that went to food.okay other than fabbrica which wasnt paid by me.haha.

ahhhh.i feel so sleep deprived and I WANT A POLAROID!haha.okay.random.
yea i wonder what do all these mean.another round of game?i feel so tired of this.it's like you come and go as and when you please,not even regarding how i feel.Every shooting star
They all fall so hard
They all fade like a played out song
Now is the time
Before all is lost
So I'm coming home
Lost on a road I don't belong
I'll rest my song
Rushing back to me
As the city sleeps
So afraid of what I will find
Memories they haunt
From deep inside
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, October 13, 2007
okay.scrap that.maybe i shouldn't get all mad at her.
exams are OVER!it's been a taxing exam period.yup.but thank you everyone for tiding me through this period!
went for class lunch at thaipan after the last mind-boggling physics paper.had a crazy time on the ride there,everyone was laughing and doing stupid stuff in the back of the van.ate alot till we were practically bursting.BUTTER SQUID!miss ong was real nice to pick up the tab for lunch which must have amount to quite a bit.

invigorate the next two days were alright i guess just the grumbling of no marking days to sleep in!wanted to find some nice starbucks to just slack,stone and read on tuesday but it became gelare tuesday with jayne.WAFFLES!wednesday was to food republic for hokkien mee:)and chicken wings!hahaa.and to let j try her damn expensive top.the ted baker dressing room is real darn nice!
thursday was back-to-school day and it's real tiring dragging yourself to school everyday for chinese and some normal lessons when exams are over.came home for a good afternoon nap to make up for the sleep debt.haha.

friday was FULL DAY OFF!since it was so early in the morning,we went for our dimsum at Red Star.surprisingly,yuan bo came along this time.haha.we ate quite a large amt of dim sum but it was satisfying good for our tummies:)haha.headed down to town after that with jayne and rachel to get r's new shoes.haha sucha a fast buyer!roamed ard town after and landed up at borders before we decided since there was nothing much to do,go back home.went to meet aries and liz at bugis.had dinner with aries at pastamania since someone left to join ahem before joining us again after a longlong time.had a great time with aries talking about lots of stuff and laughing at all the nonsense.talking to her makes me miss the adrenaline and nervousness before going on stage for a performance and the satisfaction of pulling off a flawless performance.and yesyes my dear,practice will be boring cause you're not there now eh.hahha.i miss LAYS DAYS!
running 8k is torturing yet tiring yet satisfying:)
been spending time catching up on The Hills and episodes of Heroes.haha.time well spent i should say:)haha.
mum went by dempsey and went to jones the grocer to get me my chocolate marshmallows.it's really good.SUGAR RUSH!
If you knew,
What I know,
Would you try?
Before your time
Has run on you
And worn you down
If you knew,
What I know,
Would you try?
Is there time?
As we lie
In the shade
Of poison trees
Are we as safe
As we let
Ourselves believe?
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, October 07, 2007
thursday felt like liberation day though it wasnt.went to central for lunch with jayne and we sat there for like hours eating and talking.
friday was farewell assembly.the teachers' band played dancing in the moonlight,it was so coincidental cause i was just thinking of that song a few days before.gosh.i miss times up at the rooftop talking,singing,dancing and doing silly and retarded things.after school,went to get the book from D.thank you!i cant believe you found it!finally got it after searching for so long.hope you had your own good time after rushing off and i'm sure you did!haha.decided to come home for lunch and bummed around since i thought i would have to stay out for real long before meeting liz.who knows,when i came home she called and said she could meet me earlier.and aries teo,i know you wanted to talk to me,keep talking in the background.haha.meet you not-so-soon cause there's dreaded o's!
met liz in the afternoon and we went to eat after i just ate my lunch before meeting her and after that i still ate sushi.gosh.i ate so much that day!liz had a weird obsession with the lobsters in the tank that day!haha.i think i did badly for the paper during tuition cause i was so not in a mood to do chinese papers.oops.had a talk in the night which made me happy but i wonder if it means the start of another round of mind games,going through everything,making me confused.maybe i just dont want to find out the answer that will cause the most disppointments.
sat's worship was good,i wonder how the worship team does it every week.how they work their magic every single week.
But You made a way
you're my freedom
you're the reason
where would i be without you here in my life
thank you for giving me the peace of heart and mind throughout this exam period even when i was unprepared or screwed my papers.well like lem said,it's only when we're weak that we can see how strong you are:)
i realized how chinese lyrics seem to mean more when you listen to the lyrics cause i was listening to lee hom's KG and david tao on loop the other day.hahah.
they were showing a re-run of a walk to remember this afternoon.shane west and mandy moore:)but i mean can you imagine if your close and loved one just dropped a bomb on you that they'll die soon,how would you feel.
went to mad&stan's place with the FC cell today.they stay so nearby now and their new place is so nice!it's like something out of those mags and telly.haha.was a good time sharing and all and listening to hall stories.haha.

hello woman,no more unauthorized paparazzi shots!hahaha.liz' obsession with lobsters
we like our fun and we never fight
you cant dance and stay uptight
its a supernatural delight
everybody was dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the moonlight
everybodys feeling warm and bright
its such a fine and natural sight
everybodys dancing in the moonlight
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
and kenrick chin-a-chin has finally sent ovr the photos from the day we went trigger-happy with the cam.i was said to be giggly high.hmmm.must be the medicine.wait.it was the day i left to see the doctor for the medicine.haha.okay.must be on a high.haha.
it was taken after a run so unglam unglam unglam!haha.

anons,this is one of my many unglam moments.haha.
ohya i forgot to add to the tag reply anons:i'm just grateful for these friends who've stuck by me,been there for me and for the big guy up there:)especially during times when you feel like you've hit rock-bottom,they come and pull you up.
i'm thinking of what to do with my hair.so,should i keep my fringe short

like that?
or keep it long

like back then?
hownowbrowncow?snip or not?
dear fringe,if you'll go back to the state you were in june,i promise i'll go snipper-happy and go for regular trims to maintain you,if not it's back to long-fringe days.
and looking at photos,i realized the straight fringe was pretty weird however rachael yamagata-ish it might be.haha.

i love this nice top!i regret not getting it but it came with a really nice price tag as well.ohwells.it must be gone by now,considering how many long months it has been.
i think i go through like duet phases.first it was dilemma,broken.then,someday we'll know,that chinese song,end of the day and now,shy that way by mraz and tristan prettyman.i love the song.it's really nice,the live acoustic one is even better.gahh i didnt get to catch either of them at this year's and last year's mosiac.
haha.okay.i think i'm speaking like really incoherently.jumping from this to that.
and my dear friends,it's not my fault you guys got addicted!hahah.
You know you're stunning
You're absolutely stunning
And I'm running, I'm always running
And now I'm crying
It's only 'cause I'm caring
And if you were more daring
Tell me bout how you've been waiting so patiently
And how you tried, but I just turned away
And I'll say yeah well you know,
I'm shy that way
You're absolutely stunning
But you're always running
But I'll catch up to you
So I'll keep it consistent
Ohh maybe someday
Someway, somehow in some town
We'll break it down
And I'll ask why you've been
So shy, gotta be that way
There's always too much talking
And I wanna just keep walking
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
the weekend was actually good it just went uphill from fri but it all went downhill on monday.weekend kicked off good with liz,chats and all.sat worship was real good you could really feel the presence,came home in the night and got on oreo high then much later in the night it was the chat that made me happy.sun was alright which equates slacking which is not good!but on mon,the mood went downhill,everything just came WHAMBAMBOOM smack in my face,monday blues,exam stress,things and all.
List 10 things you want to say to people but you never will
(Don't say who they are)
1.there's so much inside that i want to say to you but it's so difficult to verbalize it out.it seems like the phrase you never think the last time is the last time,always applies to us everytime.i never know when's our last time.why am i always so unprepared everytime.i should know better.you make me smile yet you cause my emoness,i dont know why you still have that effect on me when you're not supposed to affect me this much yet undoubtly,you do.i'm trying to believe whatever she says to convince me but is this me living a lie?it feels like one day we're strangers,the next we're not.is it so difficult?in the words of dashboard confessional,now i know what it's like to have hope dangling on a string cause now it feels something similar to it though there's no hope anymore,it feels like me left hanging here.i'm gonna head up again to where i was fine.
2.i know we havent spoken in a while but the last time we did,it was nice.it was like back then.i miss you.
3.hey,i'm sorry.i didnt intend for anything to end up this way.yknow if i actually did agree to it so as to not hurt you,it wouldnt be a good ending either right.thanks for sticking by me through my bad patch this year.i hope to see you around again soon and things can go back to the way it was though difficult as it may seem.
4.thanks for all the jap food and pizza treats.i dont think my treats to coffee make up for those and especially unable to thank you enough for what a great friend you've been.
5.thank you for always being there and listening despite your own troubles and problems.yknow i'll always be here for you too.loves.
6.i'm proud of you and what you're determined to do though it hurts you.somehow you seem so carefree bout it but i know it still hurts you a little somewhere deep down.you know i'll always be here for you.i'll promise you with the promise too!loves.
7.i miss you and the good ole days together though we rarely meet up now but it still makes me smile whenever i see you and how we always click and talk nonstop whenever we meet up,like picking up from where we left off.and how you're always there for me though not physically present,yes,i feel the love.haha.loves.
8.i have bad dreams and sometimes i wake up crying and feeling all shitty cause you're in the picture.
9.i hope all of you come home soon.loves.
10.you freak me out.
thank you for all the prayers,blessings,encouragements,hugs,chocolates and all throughout this exam period.sometimes i feel like i dont deserve all these and all these wonderful people in my life but i appreciate each and everyone of you.i love yall like how a fat kid loves cake:)
i saw amusing photos.hahha.
my bro just said something damn funny.haha.
okay.two more subjects to go.
sometimes it's hard to pretend it doesnt hurt.why doesnt the situation ever improve.it's tough but i'm on my way back up.
I think we've been here before
I recognize this place
I've seen the marks of confusion
wipe out a single sign of grace
And I don't want to play anymore
Not when the stakes are so high
So before we circle round once more
I'm gonna lay down,
Lay down my pride
Let it go, let it be
Don't waste all your emotion on this
tit-for-tat machine
on the side of me
I'm not the easiest person to love
I'm often the one who lets things go unresolved
Yet you choose to be
on the side of me
on the side of me
Yet you choose to be on the side of me
on the side of me
Everyone needs a friend to hold
when it's cold outside
and there's no place to go
Everyone needs a friend to hold
all alone I cried
there was no place to go
I remember when nobody cared
but you
thank you my friends:)
perfect prom queen ;