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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
HAPPY BOXING DAY!went out for christmas dinner with jayne at brewerkz today after someone decided to PS us eh!
went to brewerkz and we shared a huge pizza and reallyreallyreally good beer-battered onion rings!i think we were both really full after dinner then we took a walk down the river and went on a photo spree and loser-calling spree after that,cause jayne felt she looked funny and kept taking till we got perfect ones.haha.i felt tall today!haha.
we saw an utt-lookalike.haha.jayne stop calling taking photos by the river loser,you loser,if not you wouldnt have met the utt-lookalike.haha.eh reverse bungee someday?:)

You know the words once upon a time
Make you listen, there's a reason
When you dream, there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter, or happy ever after
Your harmony to melody
It's echoing inside my head
A single voice, above the noise
And like a common friend
When I hear my favorite song
you are the music in meif you havent already realized,i like the HSM2 songs,they're real addictive.haha.and i guess the songs mean more this time round.haha.
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS!or in the OC way,
HAPPY CHRISMUKKAH!haha.yes i still remember seth cohen and summer:)haha.
thank you for all the presents,wishes,messages and postcard(LIS!)!
i always love christmas:)
i'm still up at this insane hour after packing up my room,found lots of stuff and letters that reminded me of old days and my drawers feel so much more spacious now!reminiscence reminiscence too much of it is bad for you!haha.
it's been a busy few days.yesterday was the last day of work,met jayne for lunch before that.i was FINALLY on time for once and she was late!haha.went off for work after that,it’s been a fun and enjoyable time with the people there!thank you all those who come down to accompany me for dinner from time to time or training home.
rushed home for dinner with the fam then off to CG christmas countdown at sean's place.thank you LW for the ride there and dan&mich for the ride home.we were busy playing games that we forgot to countdown till shiqi or michP reminded us and we just made it in time to countdown the last one minute or less.haha.talked to dwayne for a while then card mahjong and bridge and daidee became the games for the early morning.haha.

today-CHRISTMAS DAY!had christmas lunch with the extended fam at mich's house.food was really good and we were watching movie after movie.i felt so much like an utter klutz today and it's so embarrassing!

our tree this year

christmas lunch

the cute mini ballack:)haha.

had a CG gathering/bbq at mich's place the other day.i want a santa hat like BK's!it's so cute.hahah.but it'll only make an appearance like once every year.haha.ohh watched the christmas production during sun's service and it was really good!loved the candlelight part where everyone lit up their candles in the dark while singing.it was really beautiful.

Sandra's off for her exchange trip like tomorrow,had her farewell dinner last week at vilage.gosh.seriously,everyone's like flying off!

this post feels so chapalang,like all the events thrown into one post and jumping from one to another.haha.went for a haircut on christmas eve,just in time for christmas!haha.
Don’t wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up and I watch them fall every time
I know the color turns to grey and it’s just too hard to watch it all slowly fade away
i wanna see the smile on your face
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
it's been a while since i've been back here.it's been a busy period.
had chocolate-coated honeycomb and chocolate-coated marshmallow from jones the grocer just now and it's really good and sweet.haha.i think my mum went on a spree there and bought quite a number of packets home this time round.
had church camp last week and it was pretty fun though sleeping on the first night on the hall floor is not fun.haha.it was a good time to see a different side of people and know people more.the games were really interesting i guess.trust the camp comm to come up with amusing and gross games like playing captain's ball with a raw chicken and another gross sandwich game which was pretty funny.haha.we didnt get to put up our gangshow in the end which was a good thing but a pity we didnt get to see the 'simpson dance' and the scrooge.haha.ohh we kept amusing ourselves with jungle speed during the free times,it's like our favourite game now.we keep looking for it during the breaks.haha.
finally met up with stephy and lala:)it's been ages since i met them.met up with stephy for lunch before she flew off to london.ahhh!i cant believe she got to watch the liverpool-man u match live at anfield!i wanna go too!i miss you like crazy!have fun in london darl:)
went for brunch with lala last saturday at riccioti before she flew off to japan that evening.i miss japan too and everyone's like going there now!gosh the food there is nice then we popped by petit provence and the custard wassant there is really good!
thank you for the choclates from hk!enjoy your time in japan babydarling!
met up with B for lunch the other day too after postponing our meal for ages.haha.

the year is coming to an end.i cant exactly say i hate 2007 but it hasnt exactly been a good year either.there were many people leaving my life,including many of them leaving for overseas.the one that impacted me the most was Her,it just feels weird without her here,things will always seem different without her around forever.
thank you/shout-out list
thankful for the big guy up there and my family
06V12-it has been brought both good and bad things to my life these two years but thank you this bunch of people for the past two years.thank you girls for giving me so much fun and laughter,retarded fun,memorable stuff a.k.a all the birthday surprises like my watermelon and yogurt mixture.thank you for all the support this year.love you lovelies a whole lot:)christmas dinner still on right?haha.and jayne toh,where's our wonderful ring?haha.
tablemates!you two have been a really great bunch,all the lame jokes!and all the meals,we still have to go out for more meals:)
Stephy-thank you bestie for always being there through the years.all the outings,baking,talks and attempts to study by the pool,gushing with me over OTH:)haha.and loads more!thank you for the lovely christmas present darl!yours will be in your hands after your trip:)love you.
Liz-thank you girl for always being there listening to me and making sure i'm alright.i reallyreally miss friday nights with you friday night lover!thank you for always cheering me up,talks on the phone,all the support you've given me and doing retarded stuff together.your thing this year was complicated too but i'm glad you know what you want and you're happy,that's all that matters:)i promise to go ice-skating with you soon though i really have no idea how to ice-skate!haha.have fin on your holiday!love you sunshine:)
Lala-my late night friend:)haha.it's always enjoyable going out with you and feels like we can always continue chatting from where we left off though we might not have met up in ages.thank you for being sucha great friend and bringing sucha fun and laughter and all the retarded stuff we do together.haha.always trying out new places to eat too.foodies:)hahaha.brunch again soon!love you babydarling!
CG- Marenites:it was a tough and painful decision to leave this year but i guess it was better for my walk.you guys will always be my family and mad and karen will always be my spiritual mums:)Thank you for all the times together,i miss you guys a whole lot,not seeing you guys every weekend feels really odd.LOVES.
N109:Thank you you guys for making me feel so welcomed and comfortable in the group.it has been a great few months with you guys:)thank you for helping me grow along the way and camp was fun to see different and funny sides of people.haha.CG meetings and fellowship on sun are always fun times:)LOVES.
cross-it's been a great two months training and getting to know you guys:)entertaining ourselves with funny convos and jokes while training makes the whole training better.and all the encouragements everytime during training:)
thankful for the experience to work and the people there to talk to make the time pass quicker everyday:)At the same time,thankful for the chance to fulfil my pledge.
thank you to you for making me stronger.it was a major and sudden setback for me when it happened.initially,it seemed like an impossible feat at that time to overcome everything,but i guess all the determination to press on and everything just made me come out stronger.ironic how you always told me to be stronger and you caused me to be stronger.
to the friends that i wasnt there for or neglected one way or another due to my own stuff this year.i'm really sorry for not being a good enough friend and not being able to be there for you.i'm still thankful for all of you,really.
thank you friends for all of you,i couldnt have asked for better friends:)
i'm sorry for today.it was pretty sudden i admit.i'm sorry i just needed to clear things up and get things straight to get out of this confusion.i guess this time i'm not running away anymore.thank you for the cds.
beauty in the breakdown
it's not always easy
Because I was starting to think
I was on to something good
But things started to slide
And I sit here in retrospect
And then this decision locks up
So tight it couldn't be touched
And I tried
To guess what goes on in your head
And I'll try to maybe not regret anything
Later on after I'm gone
perfect prom queen ;
2CO'05 06V12
new top
-more tops
new earrings
-more earrings
new wallet
-new dunks
new flats
new sandals
a new mp3
-a new camera-the canon ixus i zoom!
-THAT silver tote OR
-THAT gold long puma bag
-blink-182's greatest hits
-Corinne Bailey Rae's album!
-more time,like maybe 36 hours in a day.haha.