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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
ARGH.down with dengue fever now and it sucks.gotta take blood test everyday and gotta stay at home the whole day with nothing to do.i'm bored to death.cant go out.sighh.sorry stephy for pangsehing you today.well go out next wk or when i'm better!
haha.having some nolstalgic SC chat with lis now.
talking bout the meepok with loads and loads of vinegar,nancy with the nice and presentable uniforms,big and comfy SC jackets,the nice SC environment(i miss my french windowsssss)
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, November 24, 2006
havent been updating for a while.
Down with a slight headache and slight fever now.gahhh.hope it gets wayyyyy better SOON!
It has been chalets galore for the past week or so.
Class chalet was alright.
first night
went to the airport to meet jayne and bernice and somehow they went to the really well-hidden staff canteen at T1 and i so couldnt find it and had to figure out where it was.Head down to the chalet and we somehow missed the bus though we were on the right side of the road(i'm sure we were okay!)and we had to settle for a mercs cab.too bad rachel wasnt there.
reached the chalet and played truth or truth in the dark with bernice,jayne,kenrick and yuan bo.found out some stuff that was kept secretly away by the various individuals.
Ate and went to the poolside to chat before going back and the teachers arriving almost simultaneously though they were pretty late.
second night
went to the airport again before heading down to tm to watch a late night movie of step up.it was like the third time watching so there wasnt any kick left but still nice overall.rushed down the many escalators in the dark mall while screaming like insane mad people.
cabbed back and ate two nutella sandwiches which had like mountains of nutella on it.picked up mahjong and it's pretty fun actually.then played a round of truth or dare and people started playing intellectual lame games before the guys head off to sleep and we continued mahjong.haha.played the whole night of mahjong before heading off to watch the sunrise with all the girls and kenrick.there wasnt much to see with all the clouds around and you could only see the sun peeking through the clouds.
went back for breakfast of cup noodles and a little more mahjong before fatigue hit me and i was like i quote-"half dead",like a walking zombie wrapped up in kenrick's huge jacket.decided to go home and sleep after checking out.
Went to climbasia to climb on wednesday and it was more challenging and now i'm aching all over.gahh.
look at this piture of the caucasian kid at liz' work attachment place!

he's ohsocute.cute kid with a nice name-thatcher!haha.
okay.gonna go and catch some sleep or something.
Everytime the bass bangs, realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up, and don't stop till your time is up
Get in line now
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
went to watch covenant on monday with jayne,jerald and leonard at princess.the tickets are really cheap,they were like 5 bucks.The tickets were like huge pieces of paper that looked really ancient and the theater was like really empty other than us and maybe three or four more people?
Steven Strait is HOT.haha.CHANNING:)STEVEN:)I didnt even know he was the same guy from sky high till i read jayne's blog and he looks wayyyyy different.
liz was telling me bout her work attachment and no fair,she gets to see all those cute caucasian kids everyday,day in day out for two weeks!and they have really cute names like THATCHER,JADEN,SHAYNER!cute caucasian kids with cute names are the love:)hahaha.
One by one, years will fall but I will be right here
And life can't change us at all
It's always been so clear to me now
I have got a million chances but I'm not letting go
I'm not letting go
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, November 09, 2006
watched step up today with jayne,kenrick and ni ming today.

the show's really good.i think i'm gonna get the vcd or dvd when it comes out.haha.and there was this little girl who was like so cute in the show,she was shushing channing the whole time she was on screen with this funny frown perpetually on her face.haha.

little girl and her funny expressions.

Channing's hot but too bad he's a bi and somehow he looks hotter in She's The Man than in Step Up.
and here's jayne's long-awaited photo:

haha.and she has this crazy obsession with the phrase
bi-goong mama or as kenrick calls it
bi-khoo mama.haha.
and this girl gushed to me about channing's
nice ass halfway through the movie.haha.
Oh how the lights suddenly disappear
And the world falls asleep to the sound of angels singing
The prettiest symphony
And life lies halfway to the night
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, November 05, 2006
AHHAHAHA.convos with OLIVIA is always fun.you crack me up.haha.
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon ! says:
now rewrite an ending that fits says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon ! says:
now rewrite an ending that fits says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
now rewrite an ending that fits says:
hahahah i'm blogging bout you now!
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
Oh is it .
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
That is cool.
OLIVIA. really loves joo ji hoon AND CHARMAINE TAN ALOTTT ! says:
Blogging about the Cool Olivia is Cool.
we came up with a tagline for those who need to study during the holidays like us who failed and have to study during the hols like some losers,depriving us of time out doing loads more stuff!: BE COOL.BE A NERD.BE A MUGGER.
and my dear SEXY HOT MAMA stop being scared of the mean photographer!hahah.you can scold him/her if the person does anything.hahaha.I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU ON TUESDAY GIRL!I LOVE YOU ALOT TOO!HAHAHA.
had symposium today before heading down to esplanade with jayne and rachel for lunch at thai express.yum.then went to B&J to stone,talk and for jayne to get her ice-cream fix and for rachel to sport her hot guy.haha.
Such a long, long way to go
Where I'm going I don't know
I'm just following the road
For a walk in the sun
For a walk in the sun
perfect prom queen ;
2CO'05 06V12
new top
-more tops
new earrings
-more earrings
new wallet
-new dunks
new flats
new sandals
a new mp3
-a new camera-the canon ixus i zoom!
-THAT silver tote OR
-THAT gold long puma bag
-blink-182's greatest hits
-Corinne Bailey Rae's album!
-more time,like maybe 36 hours in a day.haha.