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Monday, March 31, 2008
went for fun-o-rama on sat.bumped into so many people there,like every corner you turn,there's a familiar face.i was walking in the hub or something and passed by JH's stall and there was this funny exchange btw us,like i heard my name and i turned JH was like you remember me?i was like yea.JH went what's my name?i was like JH?then JH was really pleased.funny la.
another funny person,jon,told me he saw me at fun-o-rama after i already left the school.ABIT lag right.
well,i saw NHNH:)hahah.only some of my lovelies would know what i'm talking about.haha.half of my yearly dose of NHNH!since i saw NHNH twice last year!hahah.
the weather was really weird and all,one moment it was hot and everyone getting all sweaty,the next it starts pouring real hard and we get all wet and the next,it gets all hot and humid again like some sauna!
the pretty flowers really made my day:)
bused down to holland V for dinner with linyu.we had a good time catching up and going on some food feast.had la mian xiao long bao and two rounds of frolick.it was ohsogood!i was bursting from that good dinner+dessert feast!

overslept on sun and missed service,i felt so bad.gosh i've been so tired and oversleeping a whole lot lately which is really terrible.went for tuition and it was kinda funny,we were talking bout ashes and stuff then someone just suddenly offered edwin the suggestion that his ashes could be compressed into a diamond since ashes are also carbon.hahah.was pretty funny.cabbed down to red house just in time for daniel's birthday dinner.
we had this really good chocolate cake from secret recipe and we couldnt finish it so we played spin the round thing and the person that the knife faces had to slice off a piece to eat.it was quite fun and we managed to finish up the whole cake.

i didnt feel like telling you that yesterday but i guess...

I cannot live without it
Every time I wind up back at your door
I know what your friends say
you're just wasting your love and time but
I will never let you change your mind
If I took you for granted
I apologize for acting tough
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, March 28, 2008
To one:
i hope when the team results come out,you'll get into the team cause i know how well you can play and if you keep playing like that,you'll definitely get into the team and i know how much you want it so have faith in yourself alright champ:)
To another:
Though your season hasnt started,i know how much you wanted to play since last year if not you wouldnt be so affected not being able to play.well it's your passion right,i hope you have a great season ahead and achieve what you want to achieve this year.take care of your injury,dont let it get worse.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
today,i lost two things that are pretty important i would say.
i know i have three more new/almost-new pairs at home but they would never replace that one,it has accompanied me for the past three years and cause it was given by them.
sometimes you dont know how much some stuff means to you till you lose them.
i kinda forgot where i lost them either,just hope that some kind soul picks it up and i'll be able to find them back.
really absent-minded,like being a klutz with a tendency to screw things up wasn't enough.
thank god they were not lost!i found them back in the morn which made me a happy girl:)
and i'm too tired to type anything more and write a proper entry.night!
perfect prom queen ;
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
thank you for the care package:)when you heard that i was cooped up today.it was really sweet!letter,sunflower and chocolates,everything just made this day much better though just the fact of not stepping into school already made me quite happy today.hahah.
thank you for the talk this morning,it was a well-needed one though you may be miles away,i miss both of you very much.it just feels different with only D around.i miss talks when you would tell me you're by the pool lounging away while talking to me when you know i miss the pool so much.i miss pool talks,i miss chocolate days,i miss someone there just giving me good advice every single time.fineee i admit you're mature enough to give good advice.hahah.come home soon okay?
sorry B,couldnt accompany you down to ICC today though you know i wouldnt mind a good dose of it today and it's free mix-in day too!
When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the one person who doesn't.
Do you know exactly, how that feels?
Sunday morning rain is falling
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends
what i would give to be listening to maroon 5 now!anyways,quoting someone 'treasure the levine aura while you still can'!
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, March 24, 2008
i finally got down to baking the chocolate cakes yesterday cause i couldnt resist the urge to bake and the urge of chocolates anymore!hahha.i've been eating margaret river company chocolates brought back from aus like everyday.ohman.they're really good esp the cookies and cream you just can't resist not having another one.gosh.they shouldnt have brought back so much candies and chocolates!i've been having chocolate tarts like almost everyday since the start of the march hols cause i always walk past the bakery everyday and they're sitting oh-so-temptingly inside and they're really cheap too so i just couldnt resist it.and it's the chocolate ganache kind,not the choc cream kind which makes it all the more nicer!gosh.all these sinful pleasures!
it's rare that i even get to step into town on a weekday afternoon but it felt so good!subway today was good though not the usual spot and not the usual subway people.
thank you for subway-ing and for satisfying my yakun french toast with kaya craving:)
maybe just maybe,
if i keep repeating to myself,it'll just sink in someday.
i wasnt fine with you last night neither was i fine with you today even though i may not show it,maybe you dont even find anything wrong with it and dont know it's you.
i dont know i guess it was the sinking feeling when you died off and whole myriad of emotions i felt yesterday and today cause of you.
The words that would mend the things that were broken
Why does every moment have to be so hard?
Hard to believe it
It's not over tonight
The noises that you made kept me awake
The weight of things that remained unspoken
Built up so much it crushed us everyday
yknow what i need a dose of?maroon 5 live and not just listening to their songs blasting from earphones.you lucky kiddos going to their concert for a class outing!like adam levine live in front of you tomorrow!
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, March 21, 2008
hope you know that He loves each and everyone of you!
went for dim sum in the morn with the maternal side.DIM SUM:)though it wasnt my fave dimsum place.well,it has been a while since i've seen the cousins.and the kids are so fun to play with.hahaha.
went for good friday/easter service with rachel and brought the bro along too.bumped into mel,clement and amoz outside the hall cause their cell attended the 4pm service,initially,i thought their anchor service was the same one as our cell.ohwells.the queue outside the hall to get in was superduper long!i couldnt even see the end of the line,luckily,we bumped into gab along the queue and he sneaked us into the queue!hahah.luckily none of the security or usher people saw us!haha.we were near the front of the queue so we got in pretty fast.
the show this year was really touching,i guess they put a different twist to it.seeing all the forgiveness and everything being applied to other relationships as well.the part where they had the whippings and stuff was just like watching that same scene from passion.revelation of the cross.
realizing how much He has sacrificed for all of us,the kind of unconditional neverending love He has for us.
rae left earlier for some late dinner thingy.went for supper at the airport then got a lift home from LW.
YH and LW said that should bring the bro to service more often cause everytime he comes,everyone starts to become a daddy.hahah.quite cute la.esp BK,training for his and P's future kid.hahah.
yesterday was TORRES' DAY!

we had full day off so went out with the Beaners to town and we sorta celebrated torres' birthday too by claiming it Torres' day!hahah.nicole brought along her torres' jersey too!went to nydc and i shared a mudpie with jayne too bad they didnt have anymore jedi mudster!sat there playing i never,dumb game la keep trying to sabo people to drink water.then somehow we decided that it would be a good day to take np so we took some.it's been ages since i've stepped into a booth,well the cg amazing race one doesnt count since i was just standing there watching them as game master and they had to pull me in and dwayne with his finger story.well it was a good afternoon with them with lots of hilarious things in between:)

where's the nice beaners np?

thank you for the talk last night girl,it kinda cheered me up and made me feel better after all the shittyness i've been feeling since wed.but if i tell the world
i'll never say enough
cos it was not said to you
and thats exactly what i need to do
i build myself up
and fly around in circles
waiting as my heart drops
and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place should i leave it there.
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, March 20, 2008
all the stupid arguments and quarrels.
only both of you and him can make me feel this lousy,this kind of pain.
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
lovesong's stuck in my head now cause of B!!!!!
it's nice and addictive,it used to get stuck in my head and now it's back again.and knowing the meaning behind it changed the whole perspective of the song!haha.
read this off B's:
awwwwwwww.MOMO B,you made me smile too:)walked her out while i was starving.hahaha.sorry couldnt join you ytd though i was reallyreally tempted to!phoenix roll soon?:)
went to grab something to eat with amanda and joann after training.coincidentally,we were all dressed in draco tee.so matchy!hahaha.i was craving for some J.CO donuts but the queue was superduperlong so i settled for some from DF instead.DOUBLE CHOCOLATE:)
After that,went to meet the wife for a while since i havent seen her in quite a while.talked abit while we were on the train to secret destination.haaha.
well,this still cracks me up:
* You lived in ITALY!.
* You hooked up and it was OOHLALA.
* You dated in 2006, were practically married, and still get along great.
* You traveled to JAPAN AND ITALYYYY together.
we were laughing our heads off while typing this.haha.
After baking two more batches of brownies and cooking spag bol and tortellini last week,i feel like baking again!something new maybe?should i try peanut butter and choc chip muffins or marbled cheesecake or flourless mini chocolate cakes,the fudgy kind?maybe the chocolate cakes cause i'm in need of some good chocolate loving and iamgine all the chocolate oozing out of the cake!
AHHHHH!there was a colbie caillat showcase at timbre!!!
I’ll walk the seven seas when I believe that there's a reason to,
Write you a love song today
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, March 17, 2008
i should have just left school right after physics prac so i would have missed all that crap and nonsense so i wouldnt be feeling so shitty right now.
okay everything aside.went for myrna's birthday party yesterday.
her real birthday's tomorrow so
glad to have her in my life,thanks for everything you've done for the cg and for all the encouragements and all and for being a blessing in my life.hope you like the perfume and christian A. tee from us:)
went for her birthday party at her place at the other end of the island!it was fun and the whole group of us were thinking of a 'generic' msg to write on the card and all the crap suggestions kept coming up and some people's abstract suggestions due to their abstract moods eh.
on the way home,went for supper with LW,J and Yen.DAO HUI:)haha.i was feeling so hungry and eating dao hui satisfied both my hunger and craving.hahaha.the whole eating session and in the car,Yen was like puzzled bout LW's SECRET but he finally figured it out and was so pleased at getting the answer.haha.i dont think he could have concentrate on studying for finals if he didnt figure it out.got a lift back from LW.the wonders of having people staying near you.hahha.
met up with liz last week,just met up for a while to catch up and talk.of course,the camwhore in her couldnt resist having her hands on the cam.haha.LOVE YOU GIRL!

we could have been
instead of accidental running always running
You said we were an accident
With accidents you'll never know what could happen
So we were an accident
You'll always be my favorite one
perfect prom queen ;
2CO'05 06V12
new top
-more tops
new earrings
-more earrings
new wallet
-new dunks
new flats
new sandals
a new mp3
-a new camera-the canon ixus i zoom!
-THAT silver tote OR
-THAT gold long puma bag
-blink-182's greatest hits
-Corinne Bailey Rae's album!
-more time,like maybe 36 hours in a day.haha.