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Monday, May 28, 2007
it's been a weekend with lots of eating,i think i put on some weight from all the eating.
FULL DAY!:)Went to watch POC3 at the Cathay,it was so uber early that we had to settle for yakun,the only place open,to satisfy our hunger.FRENCH TOAST AND KAYA!
POC3 is good but the ending's pretty crap.

JOHNNY DEPP!ORLANDO BLOOM!KEIRA KNIGHTLEY!went to TCC for lunch and everyone's best friend of the day treated dessert!go try TCC's dark devotion.wayy fantastic.deliciously sinful:)
walked around town and three people bought spastic david&goliath tees to wear on the trip on the same day together.haha.i want the david&goliath pouch!but the nice one i wanted is all sold out!
came home and made a trip back into town in the night with the cousin for a little midnight shopping though i didnt buy much.town was crazy that night,so many people and i couldnt try clothes just for kicks cause the queues were too long.

do you see orlando bloom and keira knightley?:)
saturdayspent the day in town again with the matriach and sis.went for marcus' birthday party that night.he's so absolutely cute and smart!the things he say are pretty amusing.the BBQ had so much food and i was eating like no one's business cause they were so absolutely lipsmacking good.prawns,chicken,satay,fish,otah,chocolate cake,chocolate ice cream eclairs,ondehondeh.ohman i'm getting hungry!

boy of the night

the pretty cousin who's gonna be an air stewardess!

my little bogay!haha.

nephew and uncle.cute sight.haha.
sundaywent for service with mich before meeting vera and going down to town for suki buffet.another round of eating.it's was pretty good and i was so full after all the eating.rushed around town,running last minute errands before rushing home to pack.


we ate this amount multiplied manymany times.

the retarded things we do with food.haha.
flying off to italy tonight on thai airways to MILAN via bangkok.
okay i shall go have more chocolate ice-cream eclairs and make the long overdued call.
So you need to fear the bad to see the good
And that's the thing you do
But don't let it spoil the view
Of what's around you
There's no rain, there's no storm
Though the blue sky makes you wonder
Don't you fear what will come
Will come
And right now we're in the sun
Sure enough, seasons change
But don't let today get lost
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Dancin' where the stars go blue
Dancing where the evening fell
Dancing in my wooden shoes
In a wedding gown
Dancing out on 7th street
Dancing through the underground
Dancing little marionette
Are you happy now?
Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
Laughing with your pretty mouth
Laughing with your broken eyes
Laughing with your lover's tongue
In a lullaby
Where do you go when you're lonely
Where do you go when you're blue
Where do you go when you're lonely
I'll follow you
When the stars go blue
The stars go blue, stars go blue
Follow you
Follow you
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue
Where do you go when you're lonely?
Where do you go when the stars go blue?
i love this song:)
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
short day in school today.After school,Bernice and I went for our charkwayteow:)good thing it was open today,not like the previous time.Then we headed down to eastpoint for dessert-this mango ice thingy that's really sweet and nice:)

came home and OTH-ed.today's episodes were so sad.aww to nathan and haley.i'm starting to like OTH more than OC.it's like depicting so much stuff and the complications yet the friendships and all.

say hello to my new favourite couple,besides rachel bilson and adam brody,nathan and haley!my favourite tree hill couple:)
though i kinda like jake jaglieski and peyton too.haha.
you know how you find a song and just listen to it,like over and over again until it becomes this,like soundtrack until you find a new one or until you want to forget the things that it reminds you of.yesterdayHAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN LIZ!

hey lovely,happy birthday!hope you enjoyed your day,it sounded absolutely fantabulous!thank you for always being there and stop saying i die on you everytime!when it's only sometimes.haha.next year,i'll miss our friday nights and kfc together,friday night lover!love you loads:)
long day in school.i think the LA essay killed alot of my brain cells.Rushed down for tuition and it was really funny cause i was bounced from teacher to teacher and room to room,from mr pek to monica and back to mr pek.Rushed back down to eastpoint to meet mich for dinner.had LJS and sat there talking for really long before moving to the mango dessert place though i was wayy too full for dessert so just sat there talking till like 10 plus 11 and rushed home.

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINALS IS SHOWING TONIGHT!AC MILAN AND LIVERPOOL!REPEAT OF LAST YEAR'S RESULTS?SAY YES!i saw this really nice striped sweater and trucker cap from topman.i wanna get them but i think my mum will flip if i get another sweater!but it's so nice and comfy!
i'd rather waste our time together

sometimes i realize i dont know how my life would be without these lovelies.i love you guys:)
Do you wanna run away together?'
I would say it was your best line ever.
Too bad I fell for it...
And I walked along,
Waiting for you to come along.
Take my tortured heart by the hand.
And write me off.
Do you know I cry?
Do you know I die?
Do you know I cry?
And it's not the good kind
You forced me to become strong.
And I just cried, being weak.
And you think you know.
And I would like to think so,
But do you know that when you go,
I fall apart.
I'm tired of hiding behind these lying eyes,
I'm tired of this smile that even I don't recognize.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'm so tired.i've been in town everyday for the past consecutive five days and i'm so tired from walking around so much each time.
today was a good day.started out the week on a good note,no monday blues and goodbye to last week,emo week.maybe it was just brought over from yesterday,somehow my mood just picked up in service:)Sunday was just a day of breakthroughs:)i have no idea why but today was just happyhappyhappy and talking a lot of nonsense day.haha.
thank god,i passed my SS review paper.When i was in town,i saw this mighty fine shirt that's so cute!it was the lost one with jack sawyer,if you know what i'm talking about.haha.
ate more pop-doh again.the love of white and dark chocolate doughnuts!
i was so shagged out from all the walking about and trained home,bumped into yihui and her friends.
had a starbucks session yesterday and java chip is the new love!i realize i go through like starbucks phases,first it was mocha frappe,next it was mocha and now it's java chip though spinelli has and always will be cookie spin:)
This should be so easy,
But my head gets in the way,
All the things that I want to tell you.
perfect prom queen ;
Saturday, May 19, 2007
it's been a crazy few days,crazily packed but satisfying as well in the sense i feel pretty accomplished.haha.but being busy,rushing from one thing to another with not a minute to think bout stuff may just be good.squeezed in some shopping in between too.RETAIL THERAPY!RETAIL THERAPY MAKES ME A HAPPY GIRL:)
short day in school and i still felt as groggy as ever during lessons but managed to pull through all the long lessons.ohh got back the chengyu thingy that i thought i was so gonna fail but i didnt!yayness.i know,so fast right?as quoted from jayne,the teacher's like some marking machine!haha.
spent the whole afternoon and evening travelling to and fro due to some screwed up stuff but i got some retail therapy:)and i managed to exchange the thingy though i was like a day late after their 30 days policy.haha.OOPS.
came home and chiong-ed SIP and the LA outline thingymajig.
long day in school and i was so hoping for a full day off or something today.i dont feel like going to school for the whole of next week,wont the holidays come one week earlier?or maybe i can give myself day offs!haha.LIKE REAL.i think miss ong will slaughter me if i do.
After school,we rushed down to coro to print SIP.we were acting like crazynuts at the escalator when we heard the bad and sad news.gahh.and all the ranting started when we were having dinner at golden rooster.the printing was so screwed up and took so long and i had to leave earlier for tuition.sorry girls i had to leave earlier.
i was wayy late for tuition and i had to run from tekka mall all the way to the tuition place.it was insane.it's the last lesson of the semester!yayness!
i felt bad bout PS-ing liz for dinner cause the printing was taking so long and it was so screwed.

sorry dear,we'll go out soon in june!and we'll have our long usual phonecalls soon since you already cleared up all the tests!haha.and RETAIL THERAPY!it makes us happy eh!take care alright.get well soon:)LOVES.i went for more retail therapy after tuition.bought a top and pop-dohs!haha.pop-dohs are so nice:)passed the peugeot motorshow and i just went in to look around.the new model is not bad but peugeots look too bulky,i still prefer my lamborghini!haha.
i just watched just married again.it's sucha cute and funny show and there's ASHTON KUTCHER.haha.

You never see the hard days in a photo album but those are the ones that get you from one happy snapshot to the nextTHE FA CUP FINALS AT THE NEW WEMBLEY IS ON NOW AND I CANT WATCH IT!GAHH.I SO WANT CABLE!

brad and shiloh's so cute.another nice dad other than stevie G!

keira knightley and rupert friend's sucha a sweet couple too.haha.
POC3's coming out this week!
KEIRA KNIGHTLEY!ORLANDO BLOOM!JOHNNY DEPP!rae,i decided to be nice and put them up for you to kop off here since your msn is screwed.

we're such camwhores eh.haha.
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
perfect prom queen ;
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
this is what you do when you get so bored.haha.
i've been sleeping wayy alot over the past few days.i had a allergy reaction the night before and now i'm supposedly allergic to peanut butter till i go for the allergy test at TTSH!that's bad!lord please say that i'm not allergic to PB,no PB&J sandwiches!i dont know what i would do without PB!but i really dont know what i would do without the friends,love,care and concern from them.
thanks for all the phone calls and messages.LOVES.
went back to school today and left after chinese cause i was wayy too drowsy from the medication and i think i'm gonna do real bad for the chengyu test.came home and slept for a few hours and OTH-ed after that:)sorry stephy,i bailed out on bark with you tonight.i'll make it up to you soon!
i think nate and haley are gonna be a joint first with adam brody and rachel bilson on my fave couple list.haha.and lucas is gonna be on the top spot for SNAG.haha.though he screws things up quite a bit but who doesnt mess up at one point or another.
you drive away from my car crash of a heart, you gave me the best mixtape i had
There Are Millions Of People In This world, But In The end It All Comes Down To One
Sometimes what you're searching for, is right where you left it
You never see the hard days in a photo album but those are the ones that get you from one happy snapshot to the next
What’s too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget. So it’s the laughter, we’ll remember, whenever we remember the way we were
But you know the thing about romance is people only get together right at the very end
Tears are the words my heart uses to explain when my fake smiles can't cover up my pain
when your heart breaks you have to fight like hell to make sure you're still alive...
cause you are, and that pain you feel, that's life. the confusion and fear is there
to remind you that somewhere out there, there's something better and that
something is worth fighting for
Every once in while, people step up. They rise above themselves. Sometimes, they fall short. Life is funny sometimes; it can push pretty hard, but if you look close enough, you find hope , in the words of children, in the bars of a song, in the eyes of someone you love and if you're lucky, I mean if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love, decides to love you back
I love you.
In a really really big pretend to like your taste in music
let you eat the last piece of cheesecake
hold a radio over my head outside your window
unfortunate way that makes me hate you
love you
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it
And still there are times when it just gets away from you. No matter how hard you fight it, you fall. And it's scary as hell. Except there's an upside to freefalling. It's the chance you give your friends to catch you
In general, lines are there for a reason : for security, for clarity. If you choose to cross the line, you pretty much do so at your own risk. So why is it, that the bigger the line, the greater the temptation to cross it?we cant help ourselves, we see a line we want to cross it. maybe it’s the thrill of trading the familiar for the unfamiliar, a sort of personal dare. Only problem is once you’ve crossed, its almost impossible to go back. But, if you do manage to make it back across that line, you find safety in numbers
We're friends, real friends. And that means, no matter how long it takes, when you finally do decide to look back, I’ll still be here
There are days that make the sacrifices seem worthwhile. And then there are the days where everything feels like a sacrifice. And then there are the sacrifices that you cant even figure out why you're making
I just can't tell you what you want to hear which seems to be a theme in my life. Just because you can't tell someone doesn't mean you can't feel it. You can be with someone and be happy and not love them. Or you can love them and not be with them
There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back
But once in a while, people push on to something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone, and just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in, or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief. And beyond heartache and fear of what lies ahead.
Besides i'm supposed to believe in you when you dont believe in yourself.that's what you've always done for me.
i feel like going on a dvd marathon!
When I see your smile
Tears run down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one
"I knew eventually looking back
on the tears would make me smile;
but noone ever told me looking back
on the smiles would make me cry."
As the days flow by it's all so clear
I'm everywhere but never right here
It's always the same, constant change
But I'll come back to you someday
I have to stop crying,
because I know that you are not crying over me.
perfect prom queen ;
Monday, May 14, 2007
i'm so tired and drained out from PT today.it's so hiong with 3.3k run and the 10 exercise circuit thingy twice.gahh.
i just baked after so long!baked cupcakes with chocolate,chocolate chips and peanut butter.i know it's sounds quite weird but it's a nice combination!i mean a combination of nice(peanut butter)+awesome(chocolate chips)+fab(chocolate) must equal to something fantabulous right.haha.
and now i'm sitting here in front of the comp sneezing my head off with a terrible itch in my throat and my eyes are starting to water.it just came so suddenly.gahh.i feel horrible,falling sick.
today was so irritating,mr chan didnt want to give us the well-deserved full day for the performing art groups'gold and gold with honours!gahh.
You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And You're the perfect thing to see.
B,you gotta send me everything!
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, May 13, 2007
SIP is eating my brain cells away!gahh.SIP is so irritating,i so cant wait for it to be over!
just got back home and i'm so knackered from rushing around and walking so much today.rushed down for tuition after service today before rushing to MS to walk around and meet up with the matriach.met up with her and her thai friends and did a little 'hi-bye' before rushing home to rush out SIP if not i could have stayed on for a nice dinner with them.gahh.
On the way home,i passed by NUM and guess what,i FINALLY got my black havianas after waiting for the shipment to arrive for so uber long that i thought i had to settle for the black brazil ones,which i so didnt want,now i dont have to settle for second best!and i saw this really cute brazil couple on the train home.haha.
went to stephy's house and we had a nail painting session while watching some korean show before heading downstairs to the gym for her and camille to choreograph their dance.After that,we went tanning and swimming.i havent gone tanning nor swam in an absolute long time,i was like so fair next to stephy.caught a lift home on their cab before heading out for family dinner at House Of Lobster.the food was real good especially lobster porridge!
had dingtaifung with chee and jayne on fri before the play,we had XIAOLONGBAO!:)ohman.i feel like a glutton with all the food i keep talking about,craving for and all the eating!haha.
went to cut my hair again since i was feeling so free on thurs cause jayne PS-ed me to go home and run and watch xg and xz,moreover i was getting fed up with the fringe again.haha.the next weeks are gonna be packed!
cause that's what hurts the most

the lovely top that the broke me so cant afford now,the girls and kenrick after sweaty PE,chee SMILING to her PHONE&crispy chicken,jayne&yakun,the girls acting retarded

B&her 'bao' hand blocking out jayne's face,spastic jayne,guess who?,the three of them look funny like that,CHEE!,JAYNE&CHEE,XIAOLONGBAO!

gym,STEPHY!,family dinner,LOBSTER PORRIDGE!i'm getting hungry!,PEARLLYN!
When you think back on all we've done
I hope you're proud
When you look back and see how far we've come
It was our time to shine
And nobody could hold us down
They thought they'd see us fall
But we, we stood so tall
And no we won't forget
Whenever you remember times gone by
Remember how we held our heads so high
When all this world was there for us
And we believe that we could touch the sky
Whenever you remember, I'll be there
Remember how we reached that dream together
Whenever you remember
perfect prom queen ;
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I'm feeling hungry at this weird hour of the night when i already ate so much today.i wanna eat more ice-cream!no wonder i have all the layers of fats.gahh.
went to CHC today with mich,service was good.After that,lunched with her cell,sat there talking for a long while before we had the nice jap ice-cream.REAL GOOD.walked around and tried clothes with mich before heading home for a real full dinner and i cant believe i'm still feeling a lil hungry now.
went to ICA early in the morning for the passport photo thing.took away my morning of sleeping in.nehneh.met chengkai and ruth there and bernice finished all the procedures when i just arrived there!sorry b,made you wait so long!finished up everything over at ICA before going down to meet bernice for SIP and we headed to holland v,to nydc:)it was sucha lazy sat afternoon and time was passing so slowly.stoned at nydc for a good long while and contemplating if we could stuff down more cake after the potato salad we had.anyway,we're so not going back there for a good long time in case they recognize us for that thing!
headed back to town for more walking and shopping:)though i didnt buy much but found some potential buys.haha.
came home and OTH-ed the night away:)
i think i failed the stats 2 test that day.nehneh.whatever.it's over!rushed home to shower and all before rushing out of the house down to bugis to meet liz.brought along the new baby to get a new camera case from sim lim.
dinner-ed at kfc.we had that new meltz/melts(sp?) thingy and it's pretty good.
anyway,it's gonna be a liverpool-AC milan finals!a repeat of last year's finals?SAY YES!
the words broken spirit and contrite heart just kept coming up these few weeks.these words just mean so much,maybe that's the heart of everything,what i need to find back.
pictures from the past week or so

mich's house,starbucks,dinner with liz

saturday-ICA,holland v,spastic people
And in this crazy life
And through these crazy times
It's you
It's you
You make me sing
You're every line
You're every word
You're everything
perfect prom queen ;
Friday, May 04, 2007
sometimes i wish i'm there when you're down
there beside you
letting you know its alright to show your vulnerable side once in a while though you never do,
always putting up that strong nonchalant front
but i guess it doesnt matter anymore now
perfect prom queen ;
Thursday, May 03, 2007
It was a short school day today:)how i wish everyday was like that.was supposed to meet the handbellers at ECP but it was pouring like nuts so decided not to and aries wasnt coming either:( zelei and her were hilarious on the phone last night.haha.
anyway,jayne and i headed down to subway for lunch and sat there talking bout loads of stuff,jumping from this to that.bernice came after churning out her physics song.speaking of physics song,i cant believe we actually rushed out the whole thing all in two hours!YAYNESS.j left us for her spongebob while b and i starbucks-ed.MOCHA:)sat there for a good long while talking and all,it was a nice starbucks session.it's been ages since i had a good starbucks session.

it's been a long time mr starbucks.STARBUCKS IS THE LOVE:)
i feel like i'm falling sick.throat's killing me and there's the retarded physics song tomorrow.gahh.
and the 'guess who's still in bed' person,hurry up finish everything!then we can go for our thing!i just realized it rhymes cause of the thing-thing at the back.haha.
One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
even though they werent so greatthis song is nice:)
perfect prom queen ;